Jan 18 2008, 02:30 PM
I found Drizzt, and then went to the gnolls without minsc (forgot to bring him...he was, um, kinda mad when i got back!). I was going to go back to an inn and sell my goodies and such, but ran into regis on the way and had to go to the nine hells. I then ran into E and he sent me to IWD. This was pretty early on in the game...i just cleared the mines. My questions are:
1. Am I going to have to go through the whole drizzt saga straight through now, or am I going to get a chance to go back and finish up some lose ends with my prot first?
2. If I do go through IWD, am I going to lose Drizz and all his buddies after his saga is through, or can I hold on to those guys until I finish the game?
Jan 21 2008, 05:17 PM
Jan 21 2008, 05:55 PM
Unfortunately, flysoup, the author of the mod hasn't visited the forum yet since you posted your question. He is very busy, as far as I know.
I can try to give answers to your questions, but I don't guarantee they are 100%.
1. I think the mod doesn't have any time or dependency constraints, so you can continue the plot at any time. Of course, it's another matter if you're a in a "closed" area and there is no way out without completing a (sub)quest.
2. In the version I tested, nothing such happens. They don't leave at the end of the mod, unless you "kick" them out.
Jan 21 2008, 10:35 PM the time I was waiting, I skipped ahead to that part, and was going to do durlag's tower, but as I see it is pretty tough, I may just go through the drizzt saga first (though that looks tought too!

) and then go back to the tower...thanks!
Jan 24 2008, 07:10 AM
When you have reached Icewind Dale you are free to take on any other original saga quests. There is no time constraints on the Drizzt Saga plot though if you decide to get rid of Drizzt or his companions they will leave for good. Yet then you can continue the Drizzt Saga with your other Npc's.
The only way the Drizzt Saga plot gets lost is if you decide not to follow into the Nine Hells or if you decide not to follow along after getting out from the Nine Hells. Ofcourse also if you leave Drizzt after getting rid of the Gnolls in the first meeting.
Sorry for not popping by here so often due to I am stucked in real life matters at the moment. You know that everyday reality circle such as work and so on
Mar 30 2008, 01:41 AM
Thanks for this fantastic mod. I just finished picking up Regis. It's too bad about the NPCs leaving for good. I have the Drizzt Saga installed along with the NCP project mod. While I'd love to keep these awesome characters, I'd be passing up a lot of the other mod's content. Maybe in a future release you could allow the characters to stick around.
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