They can use missile weapon: daggers, darts and sling (the solo monks always use sling of everard +5 against kangaxx).
Everybody say: poor monks has bullshit ac in the beginning, but in a team the spirit armor make them godly ac and saves, because they get ac bonus. They also can use bracers so in party they have the best ac!!!
They attack 2 per round with the damage of a katana! At level 12 their damage is like a two handed sword.
They have a moderate ability what stun the enemy, and they can sneak so their first attack with it is make with +4 modifier so the enemy with a small luck is only a statue after it.
They are a moderate class in the beginnig and they will be gods in the and.
Hey guys you really hate this class.

Yes the slay living risky but sometimes very good choice. Expecially if in the battle. your sorc/mage cast malison for emotion/greater command or only for the damage spell (less people use it but lots of damage spell only do half damage if the enemy roll the save) and my cleric/thief use slay living on him. If he do the save you damage a bit on him. The real weapon is the harm! Without save only with a simple hidden attac you drop the enemy to 1 hp so your caster easily finish him with a simple minor drain.

(In the IA Sikret nerfed the spell so the target able to roll a save

1 attack/round means 1 backstab/ round this is the maximum backstab amount for a thief except he has luck and dagger of star.
I calculate a bit and they are the third best backstabbers in the game!
You said their thaco is high? I said my level 10/12 gnome cleric thief have the same thaco in backstab then my level 11 half-orc kensai (they have same amount xp)!!!
The secret is the follow:
Holy Power: he get the base thaco of a level 10 fighter (always get better base thaco than a fighter/thief because the cleric level up faster) and 18/00 strength and +10 hp for 1 turn
Draw upon holy might +3 strength +3 dex +3 con you have 21 strength with it
Righteous magic: max damage and +10 more hp
Champion strength +3 more thaco optional because you lose your casting ability.
with staff of striking you can do 73 backstab damage in this low level (4x backstab only) but in the end you get staff of ram and you will be the third best backstabber after the kensai->thief and the assasin.
The one attack no problem if you want to backstab.
I not recommended the dual wield because you only put into one star to it. When they not backstab they can detect illusions, buff the party and heal, and there are some good offensive cleric spell too.
The thalos variant also good. (You backstab and while you flee you can drop some lighting bolt

I think on normal difficulty not too wrong but on core they have pitiless hp such as ~40 and they died from the first fireball or a critical hit if the enemy crush your protection. If you can summon famillar (you are the pc) have 52 hp.