QUOTE(Klorox @ Dec 26 2007, 06:18 AM)

I'm a big fan of small parties that can cover all of the roles needed. My newest venture into this is a party consisting of Anomen (fighting/divine spellcasting), Imoen (thieving, main arcane caster), and a Human Berserker > Mage (fighting spellcaster).
Let me just say that IMO there is two ways an arcane spellcaster can go: You can be an all-out wizard type (Imoen in this party) or a fighter who uses arcane spellcasting to augment their warrior abilities (this is what I intend to do with my Berserker > Mage).
I just don't know when to dual class this character. My choices are between levels 9 and 13. There are pros and cons for each.
If I dual at level 9 I'll have :
3 Rages per day (I think this is enough)
I'll become a "complete character" (Berserker abilities back after dualclassing) at 500,000 XP
If I dual at level 13, I'll have:
4 Rages per day
1/2 extra Attack per Round
I'll become a "complete character" at 2,750,000 XP
I know dual classing at level 13 will end up with a more powerful character in the end, but is it worth the 1,250,000 XP?
Let me know what your experiences tell you. TIA
QUOTE(WizWom @ Jan 1 2008, 12:53 AM)

with 3 people, the Exp will come fast. Dual later. The Extra fighter HP will be good, and the lower THAC0, too. And, IIRC, simulacrum will lower both classes.
But, you have a mod, then, to allow dualing a Barbarian? It's not standard.
Klorox write berserker not barbarian.
Dual at level 9. After level 9 the fighter not get more hit dice only 3 hp. The level 13 version don't have more hp!
The level 13 version not grants stronger characters because you have less spell, and you regain back only the late middle of the game your fighter class, this is lots of time.
The mirror image-stoneskin-improved invisible-prot. from magic weapon-spell immunity divination make you indescruptable fighter and the enemy cannot cast on you single target spell, the contigency on 25% health tenser transformation completely heal you and you transform to a better fighter.
I think the level 9 variant is much better choice in all view.