this is for those who want to add some journal entries with their mods, but don´t know how to solve it. So I´m posting here one possible way.
IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN Test
SAY ~Hello!~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Hello!~ DO ~SetGlobal("EntryTest","GLOBAL",1)~
This should be your quest entry.% EXIT
IF ~Global("EntryTest","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN Test2
SAY ~Hello again!~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yeah, hi!~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Quest Entry
This should be your quest entry.%)~
SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Quest Done Entry
This should be your quest done entry. Hope it works!~ EXIT
IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN Test
SAY ~Hello!~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Hello!~ DO ~SetGlobal("EntryTest","GLOBAL",1)~
This should be your quest entry.% EXIT
IF ~Global("EntryTest","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN Test2
SAY ~Hello again!~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yeah, hi!~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Quest Entry
This should be your quest entry.%)~
SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Quest Done Entry
This should be your quest done entry. Hope it works!~ EXIT
Some may ask why those strange % signs are used. Well it is because WeiDU can´t parse something like this:
During compiling dialog file you would get errors and dialong wouldn´t be compiled at all... This way you "cheat " it (not literally)...
I have attached the testing creature and a weidu dialog .d file. Try it yourself. Just put .cre file into override folder and using DLTCEP (most easiest way) compile the dialog .d file. Then fire up BG2 and CLUA console the testing creature into the game. Speak to it first time, then check journal QUEST part. Then speak again to it and check journal QUEST DONE part. You´ll see that the text from QUEST part is removed and QUEST DONE text about completed quest is added instead. It works like a charm.