Dec 4 2007, 01:01 PM
Folks, I would like to ask if some of you have some pictures of Forgotten Realms cities. Because I would like to make a brand new city for BG2, but I need the first input - some pictures of cities, docks, council city parts... It should be smaller than Athkatla, but it should have docks, then a normal area with houses and inns, and then a city gate part. 3 or 4 areas approximately. Of course it will take time, but it´s doable.
It can be also some sketches, no need for colored pictures.
Dec 4 2007, 03:52 PM
Where in the FR are you thinking of situating this city? I can provide maps and descriptions for a number of towns/cities both in and outside of the Amn/Tethyr region. Any particular architectural style you'd like to aim for, or climate, or geographic formations/landforms?
Dec 4 2007, 06:00 PM
Well, it should be a coastal city like Baldur´s Gate or Athkatla. Architectureal style should be something like BG. Geographical location - Sword coast. Are there any smaller cities even left?...
Dec 4 2007, 08:18 PM
There should be several at least. I'll post something later this evening when I can refer to my books.
Dec 4 2007, 09:46 PM
There are quite a few cities in the BGII SoA/ToB setting that were left out in the game, because they were not relevant for the plot.
Dec 5 2007, 01:09 AM
Crimmor (Walled river port and caravan city)
Eshpurta (military city, slightly smaller than Athkatla, at the fork of two rivers)
Keczulla (gem mining city with 8 wards)
Murann (Second largest port in Amn, home to major shipyards)
I've also attached a picture of an artist's interpretation of waterdeep's harbour view
Waterdeep Harbour view
I can provide more information on what the cities look like, but unfortunately they will be written descriptions and not pictures
Dec 5 2007, 04:25 AM
too bad pic's = 1000 words
Dec 5 2007, 07:01 AM
I like all you have provided, but Sir-Kill´s right. I would need something exactly like the first image is - pictures of used houses, architectural style, and so on... Perhaps I will start to work on Crimmor. That one is the most symphatic to me...

It would be great if you´ll find more pictures...
Thanks so far...
Dec 8 2007, 09:25 AM
So? No more pictures, folks? Please?
Dec 10 2007, 07:18 AM
Well, here's a map:

Between that and the image Caedwyr posted, what more are you looking for?
Dec 10 2007, 02:38 PM
personally if it were me, I would love to see architectural details of pre-renaissance (dark ages and before) buildings, carts containers, ect. a sketch one made out of real life back then
these images would be used to create areas in 3d. Hints and clues as to what form it would would all take.
seems like concept artists are more rare than 3d artists, since there are 2 here dieing for concept art.
Dec 10 2007, 03:21 PM
Sir-Kill´s right, no more words are needed, as a 3d artist I would need exactly what he do...

Some sketches of buildings, example streets, and so on... As a background 3d artist can build on...
Thanks Tervadh, btw...
Dec 10 2007, 04:03 PM
I'd suggest looking for pictures of non-FR medieval towns and cities. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of actual artwork done for any of the cities, and that is probably deliberate as they may have wanted to leave things like that to the player's imagination.
But yeah, more info on the architecture would be nice.
Dec 10 2007, 06:06 PM
not to diminish the request at all but if anyone in their internet travels come across any really good images of something that would be nice to see in an IE game please post links to those images.
Dec 12 2007, 12:37 AM is a good place to read about how architecture
Images of cities that would be appropriate for pre-rennaisance cities:
I am not very familiar with the U.K. cities. But there are more than enough U.K. forumers here who could give more help.
Many of those links include very nice and detailed drawings of individual buildings. Even in BG1, Bioware used a non-authentic mix of neo-classicist and eclectic buildings when designing the cities. They did not implement any narrow and chaotic streets characteruzed by existing medieval cities, since the characters would be covered by buildings more than 90% of the time!
Dec 12 2007, 03:03 AM
I envision this part of Amn as being more like the eastern Mediterranean in the first millennium, maybe ancient Phoenicia or Tyre. It's described as a "caravan town" but it's also a river port with an amphitheatre.
Here's a rough image, not that detailed but maybe it gets the idea across. I imagine the architecture would be pretty basic for the most part, with a few buildings more ornate.

I seem to recall reading somewhere too that Amn has a sort of southern Spanish feel to it, maybe as during the Moorish occupation. In that case, some of the architecture might be more elaborate.
Here are some photos I took of ancient buildings in Portugal. I have bunches more of similar regions but few of them are online as yet.
Dec 12 2007, 04:03 AM
I imagine Amn as being similar to Western Turkey/Greece, with Istanbul/Constantinople being the counterpart of Athkatla.
Images of Istanbul-Galactygon
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