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Full Version: Ever try a "minimum stats" game?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Gaming discussion, D&D, screenshots > Baldur's Gate and TotSC
I'm thinking of giving a 4 man, self created minimum stats party a try. I'll bump the minimum STR score to 6, just so I can carry some crap around though.

You play by starting with the minimum stats for each class/race combo. Dual classing is pretty much impossible in a game like this.

Anyway, here's the party I'm considering. I'm hoping to start in the next day or two, so any input is greatly appreciated. BTW, I will be using the Tomes and stat-increasing stuff I can find.

Character 1:
NG Half-Elf Cleric/Ranger
S13 D13 C14 I4 W14 Ch3

Character 2:
CN Halfling Fighter/Thief
S9 D9 C8(?) I6 W3 Ch3

Character 3:
NG Half-Elf Bard (Blade kit)
S6 D12 C6 I13 W3 Ch15

Character 4:
CG Elf Sorcerer (protagonist)
S6 D7 C6 I9 W3 Ch9

I was considering making the Blade the protagonist for the bonus HP from a familiar, as well as end-SoA stat bonuses, but I like to play without reloading, and having a character that seeks out melee combat doesn't mix well with a no-reloads game. A back-row character is best suited for that role. The Blade makes a great talker and will make all of the purchases for the party.

Character 2 could be a Dwarf or even a Gnome if the stats work out better that way.

Character 1 is a great combo as everybody knows. I'll get all Cleric and Druid spells, and with a very high minimum stat base, I'll actually be able to wear a decent amount of armor, as well as get a few bonus spells. She's the closest thing to a tank (unbuffed anyway) this party has.

The protagonist is a Sorcerer, which is, IMHO, the most powerful class in the game. And since they're really not reliant on stats, it's a great character for this type of game.

I like that 3 of the 4 characters (when properly buffed) make very good fighters. I think I actually have a decent chance with this party, as long as I play my cards right.

I wonder, did you ever get anywhere with that party? I know I wouldn't have the patience to play a game like that.
I'm guessing that's in BG1Tutu?
I have little to no experience with Tutu (never got it to function properly), though in regular BG1, I'd die...and die...and die...and... (you know)
Yes, starting with 3 CON and 1-2 HP is a bit... inconvenient.
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