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Full Version: help in installing
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
Do I have to install bg1+ tale in order to play drizzt's saga? even if I only want to play in bg2 + tob?
Cant install it in the mean time.
I'm trying to redwonload a mod I played before, In BG2.
Now after seeing the screenshots I see that everything is BG1 system... But I remember playing it in BG2. Am I trying to use the wrong mod?
I remember a mod where you can see Artemis and Jarlaxle by the shard, talking about them finding drizzt and so on. I remember finding Wulfgar in Irenicus's dungeon... Am I in the right place?
You are thinking about the mod Region of terror. Drizzt Saga is a mod for bg 1 and totsc needs to be installed, it is comatible with tutu and bgt aswell.

Region of terror can be found at the download centre.
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