I've been trying to complete Jaheira's quests for days and I am actually starting to feel my brain going numb. I am not romancing her (in fact my PC is female) but am not averse to doing so if it gets me through the bloody story. I've tried altering the lovetalk parameters in Shadowkeeper, to no avail. Parameter 1 reads as being set to 9, but neither lowering nor raising it accomplishes anything. (Yes, I have moved around and slept numerous times. Not to mention waiting several hours for the next event.) In the consul, I tried forcing a romance and setting it to 1, with no response. GetGlobal(" JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL") only yielded the response "does not exist." So I dropped the "active" and the consul said "Jaheira romance global set to 958925." blink.gif When I tried ("Lovetalk","LOCALS") the consul just kept repeating "Global Lovetalk LOCALS" no matter how I varied the command. (And yes, I was pointing at her.) The last thing that happened was Dermin's first appearance, Jaheira renouncing her Harper status, and I am still in chapter 2. Perhaps I need to move on to the next chapter, but I hesitate to move on too far for fear of killing the story entirely. In the case that chapter is NOT the problem, my question is: How can I advance to the next part of Jaheira's story with or without romancing her?
Does anyone have any answers or suggestions?