Just so people know I've set up my own site http://www.borderkingdoms.net/ .
This will house my mods for the forseeable future and other projects I'm working on personally.
I'm about to head off to the opposite side of the world for a few months with work and my career in general is getting busier and will most likely involve more travel so I have decided to make grand sweeping change a part of my life and do this too!

BWL has kindly agreed to house some of my more labour intensive creations until such time as I can get my own site up to date, other things will remain here (Map of Faerun for example) and so on.
I'd like to thank BWL members and staff (past and present) for the support they've given me from Day 1 and hope there will be continued co-operation across sites in the future.
Thanks & regards,
The Borders are Open