These are icons that were created by the fruits of this mods' labour, rather than a simple import-export from other games (although some DO look like they have been simply thrown in there).
Also, I must give credit to Grog, who made some of these spell icons (Raise Dead is the one he made from the ones shown here, although he made several other ones not shown in this list).
I will give the listing of which spell it is, from left to right and top to bottom:
Top Row: Chain Contingency, Chromatic Blade, Contingency, Dead Man's Eyes, Reveal Magic, Elysium's Tears, Energy Drain, False Dawn, Fire and Ice, Firends
Middle Row: Lightning Bug, Major Globe of Invulnerability, Mass Raise Dead, Mechanus Cannon, Mislead, Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, Project Image, Protection from Good, Protection from Vermin, Invulnerability to Normal Weapons
Bottom Row: Reveal Magic, Shadow Magic, Simulacrum, Spell Immunity, Spell Invulnerability, Storm of Vengeance, Summon Swarm/Summon Insects, Weapon Invulerability, Wonderous Recall, Zone of Sweet Air.
Some of these icons are bound to change, simply because I am not fully satisfied with them. Zone of Sweet Air, Invulnerability to Normal Weapons, Weapon Invulerability, Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, Mislead, and Simulacrum are the icons that need to be redone.
I'd certainly appreciate anyone giving a shot at any one of those icons.