Jul 22 2007, 12:32 PM
I'm a little stuck:
"11. *Find Talibehius (map4). You can talk to him if you wish. Don't provoke a fight, it would be fatal. Talibehius remains here, you can always lure any of your enemies to him.
12. Find Tergius (map4). (You can omit this and do it later as well, but the best is to do it at this point.) He is said to be the most powerful wizard of the Flaming Fist, lure your enemies to him if a battle proves to be too hard, or if you just don't want to fight."
I skipped the above and the big fight nust north of the dwarves is no longer underway at this location for where I'm now at in the game. Instead of visiting this fight I heeded Hertuk's instruction to retrieve the red crystal. After defeating Grachus I had the crystal servant transport me to the first floor of FAI. I cleared all three floors of the FAI. I think I have visited every available location at FAI and completed each sidequest, but I'm unable to find the small brass key (I have the other mold golem five keys). Not sure what to do next.
Jul 22 2007, 01:05 PM
Okay, sorry I should have searched "small brass key." It must have decayed after the party had rested twice since arriving to begin the quest. I could have CLUAed the key if necessary, but I did find it among the loot drop items in a save before the second rest. So I got the golem's magic items.
What about finishing the mod, though? How do I continue?
Jul 22 2007, 03:23 PM
Glad to see you again, Lemernis!
Did Flaming Fist reinforcements arrive when you left the FAI building after clearing it? (Though it's possible that many of them are "idle", because you've probably cleared the area from bandits.)
You should have a letter, taken from one of the main leaders on the top floor. If you can't or don't want to "decipher" the "secret message" it holds, there is someone in the area who should be able to help you (guess who

Jul 23 2007, 12:40 AM
Hiya, I'm enjoying the mod!
The FF reinfornmements are there. I have the letter, and I see from the walkthrough that it should be Tergius who deciphers it. But Tergius does not appear where the walkthrough says he should be. I didn't visit that area (i.e., near the dwarves and Jeremias) when I arrived. And since then I have rested and perhaps I lost the opportunity to speak with him? I tried CLUAing him in but the creature name "Tergius" wasn't recognized.
I see that I'm supposed to head to Beregost next, I guess I'll go there.
Jul 23 2007, 12:54 AM
If I remember correctly, Tergius doesn't appear there if you haven't spoken to him at the beginning. Just teleports you out from the magical trap and that's everything. I overlooked this fact when writing my previous post.
CLUAing wouldn't have helped, because he would have told some outdated text, I suppose.
So what party are you playing now? (Last time you were solo-ing, if I remember correctly.)
Jul 23 2007, 02:29 AM
Okay, all finished--nicely done mod Baronius! Tough battles.
Last time I ran a very offbeat type of party
Wild Mage
Imoen (not dualed to mage)
and I wasn't able to defeat Grachus. Minsc was my only tank.
This time I made a custom multiplayer party, with a little creative hacking
Fighter, grandmaster in hammer
Imoen as Blade (via Level One NPCs)
Berserker 7/Stormlord of Talos - Shadowkeepered dual class
Mage-Kensai, Shadowkeepered multiclass
Mage-Assassin, Shadowkeepered multiclass
For the Mage-Assassin I look forward to using Poisonkiss +3 from the Herbs and Potions Add-in mod, although it'll have to wait until BG2 because I forgot to install it in this BG1Tutu game.
I always play heavily modded and take my protagonist on to complete SoA/ToB (Tutu for BG1). In the previous game I was going for a challenge by assembling some of the more oddball type of characters available in both games. This time I'm taking much more of a smashmouth approach, with Sword Coast Stratagems, and Tactics and Ascension installed, respectively, for BG1 and BG2.
Btw, I noticed a bug with Confusion. Confused party members remained confused for an inordinately long time--too long for it not to be a bug. The spell effect remained on them for like 10 minutes. This happened in the showdown on the 3rd floor of FAI and in the final battle. For the FAI fight I reloaded. For the final battle I recalled that I had arrows of dispelling, and that ended the Confusion.
Jul 23 2007, 03:11 AM
It never occured to me, and testers didn't report it either. I will check it next time if I get to this mod for some reason, but I suppose it is due to another mod. Especially because TGC1 uses standard confusion/chaos spells, not custom ones. Did you check the spell files? (By the way, didn't you mean Domination instead?)
To other players: did anyone else experience it?
Jul 23 2007, 07:24 AM
Still have to reach that part in my game (it will take a while) ... if i find some similar issues i will let u know for sure,
Jul 23 2007, 09:30 AM
My recollection is that the feedback text said Confusion, but yeah, it might have been Domination. But you'd know what spells they have prepared. The icon for it is that red Mr. Bill "Oh Nooo" face.
Jul 23 2007, 03:24 PM
It must have been Mass Domination. The original BG1 Domination spell effect lasts for a very long time. I should have made it much shorter, and will do so for the next release.
On the other hand, I'm not happy if it displayed "Confused" (or "Confusion"?). Did that appear as an indicator on single character(s) (such as "Stun", "Held" etc.) or as the spell's name when it was cast?
mm75: thanks for your help!
Jul 24 2007, 02:18 AM
I think it was the description of the character's state, eg, "Charname: Confused"
Jul 24 2007, 03:01 AM
Thanks for the info, Lemernis. So we have an answer to the durations. (Grachus uses BG1 Domination; High Sorceress casts Mass Domination, based on the BG1 version.) Are you sure the text "Confused" appeared in the Grachus battle as well when he cast Domination? (He uses Confusion as well.) I guess that's impossible.
mm75, please pay attention to text caused by Domination/Mass Domination during these battles, especially in the final battle.
[EDIT] By the way, the correct text should be "Dire Charmed". That's what is displayed in BG1, as the result of the Domination spell. There is a Domination in BG2 too, does it display something else? ("Dominated"?)
Jul 24 2007, 09:43 AM
QUOTE(Baronius @ Jul 24 2007, 03:01 AM)

mm75, please pay attention to text caused by Domination/Mass Domination during these battles, especially in the final battle.
[EDIT] By the way, the correct text should be "Dire Charmed". That's what is displayed in BG1, as the result of the Domination spell. There is a Domination in BG2 too, does it display something else? ("Dominated"?)
I will. Please note that i'm playing a BGT game, so the "basic" spells should be the ones from BG2. Anyway, "normal" Domination, Dire Charm and Confusion are working fine in my game so far (but i still have to play the GCE1 part of the game). If i find some problem be sure i'll come back here ;-)
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