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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate II > Lost Crossroads
Hello everyone!

Galactycon, what do you think about PnP improvements for classes? There gonna be (other than these for mages) changes?

-- Yarpen
Here is what I have planned for classes and such:

- When the player chooses his/her classes, only 4 may be chosen (warrior, rogue, priest, wizard), but these 4 would have sub-classes (such as Cleric, Druid, Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer). Sub-classes will be chosen as kits (per now), and kits will be chosen through dialogue at the beginning of the game. Depending on implementability, this may/may not make it to the game.

- Dual-classed characters may choose kits to Dual-class to. Again, I don't know the implementability of this feature, so I will not make any promises on this. But with the solution I have in mind, chances are yes, this will make it.

- Multi-classed characters may choose to have one kit in either of their classes. Don't know if this will make it or not, but the chances favour the former.

- Specialist wizards recieve additional bonuses and penalties for becoming specialist (as per the AD&D rules). See this thread.

- Clerics, Druids, Paladins, Rangers, and Specialty Priests (depending on what Diety they worship) will recieve different spells according to their spheres of access.

- Monks will recieve spells, as priests would, but of different spheres.

- Saving throws will be adjusted so they never go below a certain value (which I don't have at the moment).

- Non-fighter characters will benefit from having more than 16 constitution. They will not work exactly in the manner of the AD&D rules due to engine restrictions, but it will be something strikingly similar.

- I will implement my own version level 50 rules, even though realistically, your characters should only reach level 20 or 25 by the end of ToB.

- And I might implement a few kits for non-magical classes as well.

Because I haven't yet organized a Todo list for class changes, I am reciting everything off the top of my head, and so I might have left a few things out. I will do that once I am finished with items.

I am aware that some of these intended features will overlap with existing mods.

Then I have got some/many additional, PnP tweaks. wink.gif First, ready tweak was PnP Paladin, which looks


PnP Paladin
Originally Paladin in AD&D was very strong character with many powerfull abilities - but also many restrictions, which makes him reibalanced. Unfortunately, in BG2 there are only these better sides, and only one restriction of reputation. First of all it is strongly recommend to instal Virtue Mod which makes playng Paladin more difficult. And after that, this component will repair some of mechanical lacks of this class.

- Detect evil can be used once per round
- Lack of Protection from evil
- Aura of Good (-1 to thaco and saving throws for every evil creature at 5')
- Once per week per 5 levels can cast Cure disease. Undead Slayer can cast Cure paralyse.
- When he holds in his hands Holy Avenger (Karsomir, Purifier) he emites aura of protection from evil, 5'. (Optional: Aura of force - unavailable in Demo)
- Limited amount of gold to 50 000
- Limited amount of magical items
- Limited alignments of party characters (non-evil only)

But every class should have some additional abilities. Also I was thinking about skills system (with using of HLA menu).

Alchemy: something as HLA
Animal Handling: ability to control some animals
Bartending: negotiations (Vithal, etc.)
Blacksmithing: possibility of creating some weapons in workshop
Bluff: bluffs (for example Desharik or Illithium quest)
Diplomacy (some better dialogue options)
Healing (ability of Lay on hands/ healing this Harper from poison)
Idtimidation (f.e. Beggars etc. some people would run after seeing you)
Reading / Writing (ability to use scrolls. it gonna be hard)
Tracking (as HLA)
QUOTE(yarpen @ Jul 13 2007, 12:33 PM) *

- Limited amount of gold to 50 000

I really like this idea, although there are potential loopholes to get around it.

QUOTE(yarpen @ Jul 13 2007, 12:33 PM) *

- Limited amount of magical items

How do you plan on implementing this? I cannot imagine limiting the number of magical items to a certain value would be possible.

Alchemy: something as HLA
Animal Handling: ability to control some animals
Bartending: negotiations (Vithal, etc.)
Blacksmithing: possibility of creating some weapons in workshop
Bluff: bluffs (for example Desharik or Illithium quest)
Diplomacy (some better dialogue options)
Healing (ability of Lay on hands/ healing this Harper from poison)
Idtimidation (f.e. Beggars etc. some people would run after seeing you)
Reading / Writing (ability to use scrolls. it gonna be hard)
Tracking (as HLA)

Most of these ideas are nice and wonderful, but they would mean years of extra work - and I think what I have left so far is more than enough to keep me busy for the next 1-2 years. wink.gif

* Money restriction isn't too big trouble. Checker similiar to this from Bodhi etc. and guy who takes rest of money ;P
* Yup, this magical items idea can't be done.
* Maybe we can co-work, to create one, great mod :-D I have got some ideas how to implent these things. :-)

QUOTE(yarpen @ Jul 13 2007, 07:33 PM) *

* Maybe we can co-work, to create one, great mod :-D

This would be a very daunting task, because that would mean you will have to learn how I implement stuff. The reason is this: many of the changes I have implemented are very complex, and they wouldn't work if they weren't done in a certain way (I would rather not say "my" way, but I hope you understand). I have made a lot of what you would describe as "obscure" changes, just to make sure certain features would work.

This might sound like a daunting task for most people, but I have set up a routine where I can implement these changes very quickly and efficiently in case I want something to work.

Not that I wish to discourage you from helping, yarpen. wink.gif

QUOTE(yarpen @ Jul 13 2007, 07:33 PM) *

I have got some ideas how to implent these things. :-)

Ideas are ideas, but I don't mind them if you tell them. smile.gif

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