After a seeming forever of promised releases, Iylos beta 1 is now publically available for download!

Iylos is a Throne of Bhaal only NPC from Amkethran; a serious and angry man at first glance, Iylos has an ironic, slightly twisted sense of humour which doesn't exactly fit with one's general idea of a monk. He has 2-3 banters with each NPC, interjections, a developed friendship track as well as several scenery dialogues and an extensive PID menu which includes a chatpack and flirtpack, all of which are optional in the install. He is voiced by Bob 'TheWizard' Dupois, and has crossmod banters with several mod NPCs including: Solaufein, Kelsey and Kivan & Deheriana, as well as several NPCs for whom ToB content is under development.

When he joins the party, he makes no pretences of friendship, and bluntly tells you he was sent to find out your intentions. He will not join an evil character, and will not be in a party with a bad reputation for very long.

I apologise to those who have been waiting for him! And please note that this is a beta version, so there may be bugs. I have tested it fairly solidly, but it's never possible to eradicate everything - so if you do find any bugs, please post them on the forum! smile.gif