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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Belching Dragon Tavern
Kit Country: Irish

Kit: Pit Drinker

Desc: The Pit Drinker is willing to get down and dirty in almost any situation so long as it involves drink. The Pit Drinker can be your best friend and your worst enemy depending on the number of drinks consumed at the time you meet him. Pit Drinkers are known for both their philosophic/melancholy outlook on life and their ablility to piss people off really quickly.

Drink until the cows come home
Forget any embarassing moments
Almost always meets a friend for life while in the Pit!

Kingsize hangovers
Turn Normal Person (at two levels above the Cleric) due to the bad breath obtained in the Pit
Empty Pockets (just where does all that hard earned money go?)

Abnormal bladder: Pit drinkers can drink until there is no room left between any of the molecules in their bodies.
Whirligig: No Pit Drinker can ever move on a dancefloor without knocking over drinks and generally causing a ruckuss.
Greater Whirligig: (DHLA, Drunken High Level Ability) Pit Drinker can knock glasses from hands, tables and bars without ever even realising it, No Save.
OMG LMAO Holy s#!t thats funny
indeed laugh.gif
Rabain laugh.gif
And YOU are the Vizier Pit Fiend of Pit Drinkers! tongue.gif

My country can be an archer kit. Not too good comparison though. At least those who have founded it, were good archers!

(A very big part of Europe was shaking from Hungarians before 955. Our tactic was this in battles and during smaller attacks: we attacked (horsemen), then we pretended to be retreating, the enemy started to follow us, while running away the horsemen turned back on their horse and shooted tons of arrows to the enemy -- usually the battle was won. Against the armoured knights at Augsburg we could do nothing. Since then, Hungarians didn't go looting to Europe but tried to build up a christian state. This was just an inaccurate historical summary)
Needless to say i was hammered when i wrote that post!

Still no typo's ; just goes to show how truly anal i can be about that kind of stuff...

(currently under the effect of: Kingsize Hangover)
No Save? tongue.gif

*hands over some aspirin* One or two?
No Save, i think as i get older I get more and more penalties against saving!

*Takes Two*

*goes for a feed*

Rabain: Seems that Czech kit would be very similar tongue.gif
Kit: British.

Abilities: We > Yuo.

Disadvantages: None.
QUOTE(Andyr @ Sep 27 2004, 04:34 PM)
Kit: British.

Abilities: We > Yuo.

Disadvantages: None.

I can see one disadvantage straight away, spelling! tongue.gif
yuo wil b pwned.
Which of my countries... I have four... two from birth and two adopted... (both of which I prefer to one of my two native ones)... but here goes:

Kit Countries: Norway, Japan, Canada

Kit: Viking Negotiator

Quote: "Now you see here behind me, right, we have some well... Bersherks. They are pretty tough. And then you see out there on the flanks, right... those are Samurai... right. Those guys are pretty skilled. Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot to mention the guys in camouflage" *steps over the dead body* "Now how much do you all think this city is worth, maybe we should talk about it?"

- Can get anyone to sit down at a negotiating table
- Can pay for everyone else to fight for them
- Gets to tell everyone who's been nice this year

- Tourists have completely ruined your image, -5 rep. "If they ain't drunk as skunks and asking for brown cheese, they are taking bloody photographs"
- Old flames keep getting in the way of new relationships. "I've seen Paris, London, Nanking, Seoul... all in flames... so pretty"
- You are a firm believer in soft power, and have a tendency to end up in unhealthy relationships with maniac hegemons.

The standard kits for my home countries would be so easy (and dull):

Norway: Bersherker
Japan: Samurai
Canada: Page Boy
USA: Wild Mage - Incredibly powerful... and completely lunatic
hey! not too off topic, but i made a samurai kit!

alright, really off topic
Perhaps Kabuki could check it for you (not technically but semantically) smile.gif
i was thinking about editing my post to say that. yes, kabuki, if you want, could you check the kit and give any suggestions, or tell me what you think is wrong
I actually said to myself that I wasn't going to stick my nose in where it didn't belong... but since you asked... sure I'll look at it. smile.gif

Edit: Ok, I already sent my comments to Awake... if he wants a public discussion about my suggestions I'll post the suggestions somewhere appropriate.

Edit #2: Suggestions are up in Awake's mod thread in "Mod Announcements"

And now back to your regularily scheduled broadcasting... Kits are still needed for the Krauts I believe... rolleyes.gif
Kit Country: England

Kit: Hooligan

Desc: The Hooligan is interested in nothing other than sport, drinking, and fighting. Naturally, the best kind of sport is one that involves fighting and ends up in drinking, the best drink is the one you have during a sport and before a fight, and the best kind of fight is one based around sport and fueled by drink.

Berserker rage at will. Gets activated the instant the Hooligan spots a "bloody foreigner". Increases in effect the more lager has been consumed.
Intimidate - weak opponents automatically run away in fear.
Angry Mob - when in the presence of other Hooligans, can function almost as a single minded entity. Gains +5 to THAC0.

3/4 normal speed due to excessive beer gut.
Obsession. Whenever a sport is being played, is unable to focus on anything else.
Incapable of functioning in civilized society. -10 to charisma.
King of All Hangovers. The Hooligan is unable to function for two days a week due to the excessive amount of drinking and fighting on the other five.
Not bad.
You forgot the -10 on INT when rampaging in a mob. tongue.gif
Kit Country: Gemany

Kit: Hoschi ['ho-she]

Desc: A Hoschi is a gregarious animal, and they are somehow all alike. It's not a good idea to address this to one of them, though, this would lead to a reproachful "Me? No! I'm totally different than all the others here!"
A Hoschi is a great thinker. He's always thinking of what he should do about the things that disturb him. If he finishes thinking, the problem usually solved itself in one way or the other. Due to this thinking he has a very differenciated sight of the world, though. Every possible consequence of ecological, political or environmental misbehaviour - even the smallest one - get's investigated, by gouvernmental funding. This isn't a bad thing, of course, as it leads to the publishing of nice books and articles that can be thought and discussed about.
All these discussions lead to a very strong feeling of what is right and what is wrong: Hoschis know exactly how the others should change to make the world a better place. A Hoschi usually has too much holidays and too much money to spend in them, and he can be met at any place at any time on this planet. He sometimes wears short leather trousers as a camouflage (ref. Kit GerManiac paragraph 2, line 7: leather trousers, dirndls and beer.)

Advantages: Meets akins wherever he goes - there's already a Hoschi there!

Great thinking: Stops moving for a certain time period (similar to "hold person")
Great remorse: Feels temporarily guilty of all things going wrong on this planet, thinking about founding a help organisation.

Special Abilities:
Discussion: Involves the enemy into a discussion. Brings some extra 5 sec for battle preparation (similar to "time stop")
So-are-Krauts : Summons a big, hairy beast with tentacles
Great So-are-Krauts: Same as " So-are-Krauts", but with pineapple pieces. No Save.
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