Apart from keeping tabs on XP and Gold rewards for quest completion we have also highlighted possible changes to various 2da files.
My own opinion is that much of the content currently in BG2 2da's works well for a higher level starting character but is possibly overly generous for low level starters.
So here I'm presenting a 2da for discussion, the first of several if discussion proves helpful.
The 2da is XPBONUS.2da and it specifies what the XP bonus will be for a succesful PICK_LOCK, DISARM_TRAP or LEARN_SPELL. Highlighted below are the current ToB rewards in black and our proposed changes in that purply/mauve type colour.
Please post any comments/recommendations/questions you might have.
Bare in mind that you start at level 1 and you don't get any of these type of bonuses in BG1.