It seems In Candlelight v1.2 didn't make Derkoth the Disgruntled... disgruntled. He is one of the biggest fans of this mod...

...and has written a walkthrough. It has a quite unique style, and I really enjoyed it! It is like a story (+ slang). Thanks DtD!

It contains spoilers (it's a walkthrough...), so if you haven't finished GCE1 yet or plan to play it in the future, please don't forget this fact.

His modder spirit made him hack my files, so he describes some creatures' THAC0 and other characteristics in details. Don't be frightened when you read them: in a certain respect, Grey Clan doesn't conform with AD&D (and usually, with any rule system except mine). It's meant to be the mod for players who want to have powerful foes and allies, and tough battles without worrying about why that mage had ten power word kills. That is, relativeness is what matters ("this enemy is more powerful than that one"), and not statistics. Of course, needless to say, the mod is consistent and balanced in its own system and world.

You can get the walkthrough by downloading the attached file of this post (just click it).

Note: DtD played v1.2. The newest release, v1.7 doesn't contain the Eomur-Steve encounter (it was too overpowered).


About Grey Clan Episode Two: Bitter Souls:

* It will be released, I didn't give it up. I've been just too busy in the recent years.
* It won't answer all questions brought up in Episode One (sorry DtD!), because it introduces another aspect of the world.
* It will have interesting features. I hope players will like them.