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Full Version: tp2 code generator :)
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > The Modder's Tools
Uhm, i just noticed there is a separate tool for this, and i'm not sure you are aware of it:

dltcep can generate tp2 for all game objects it edits (usage is similar to the generation of the old tbg format).
Uhm, i just noticed there is a separate tool for this

Did you only notice it, or run the program as well to see what it offers at all? smile.gif
Thanks for the information though, I've been aware of it but others might have been not, so now they know it too.

To each his own. WeiDU --automate, DLTCEP export TP2, TP2 Code Generator, etc. And it depends on the task as well: you won't use TP2CG to generate a file for 6 items.

I believe TP2CG offers many settings that, for example, DLTCEP does not. The WeiDU command --automate can solve most of them, but
* Some people don't like switches and character console
* The_Bigg proved with a one-page long bash script that TP2CG is needless, but I said some people prefer checkboxes to programming booleans
* It can't generate informative comments, to my knowledge
* WeiDU started to support EFF automation after the release of TP2CG (probably due to TP2CG)
* No TRA entry re-use control (minor thing, especially for smaller projects)

Beside those features I listed above, (how) can DLTCEP generate a TP2 for multiple, for example 200, files? I guess modders either use --automate or TP2CG for this.
No, i didn't use it, i just saw a note on the tbg forums recently.
dltcep can only export one file at once, the currently loaded one.
But it sounds like a good idea to have a multi-file selector for it smile.gif
well for someone like me that pretty much deals with only graphic related modding I like the concept that if I want to make a few items I do not have to use/learn weidu.
Well, since my only usage of weidu (script decompiling/compiling for dltcep) is broken under wine, i don't use it anymore for anything.
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