I don't think I'll get into areas for awhile. Maybe down the road.
You've made 600 already? O.O I'll have to take care not to make reproductions.
A few questions concerning bams:
http://www.blackwyrmlair.net/~chevar/Screens/index.htmlThose inventory icons are bams, right? I figured as much, just wanted to make sure.
Spell icons are the same sizes as the ones listed?
And, concerning spell icons, what's more useful, remaking the exsisting ones (to look fancier, etc) or making brand new originals, or both?
About NPCs:
I could come up with several NPCs, including portraits and in depth bios, but can't code very well. Would the bios and such I would come up with be ok, then someone else codes, and comes up with dialog... or perhaps you have another idea?
About Portraits:
Would it be useful for me to make a bunch of custom portraits, and limit/provide them to the WTP community for their NPCs?