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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Gaming discussion, D&D, screenshots > Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, Throne of Bhaal
Any recommendations for Hack N' Slash mods of SoA without ToB?

Banters are amusing. Romances and endless soap opera-ish emotionally troubled additions and quests - well, I find these just plain boring; or worse.

I'm an old AD&D Hack n' Slash player. Intricate dungeons, ingenuous traps and byzantine treacheries are a delectable spice to be added to the whetted blade.
[or mace if you prefer].

Any and all recommendations are most welcome.
To quote Conan [Conan the Destroyer] : Enough Talk!!

Also, I recently downloaded a total conversion called 'Battle of Helm's Deep' [apparently sometimes called 'Battle of the Deep']. Does anyone know anything about this mod? Playability, bugs [yuck!] or any other issues/warnings?

I keep coming back to these forums because, quite frankly, you folks seem the most responsive and the most knowledgeable. [no suck-up intended laugh.gif ]

Thankx smile.gif

kix [just keep getting harder to find]
I keep coming back to these forums because, quite frankly, you folks seem the most responsive and the most knowledgeable.

Actually, many of us are away and/or busy currently, so if you find us responsive now, you haven't experienced yet what's in here when folks are actually *active* biggrin.gif

Though I can't think of any at the moment, I was glad to see your request for a hack and slash mod, because it proves that not all players want just long-winded dialogues/romances/etc.

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about BoHD either, but someone else will probably be of more assistance than myself.
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