Oct 19 2006, 11:28 AM
I have some questions about my first time playing NWN, these might seem obvious but I did a bit of searching and can't find the info I want:
Cantrips: are these only for pure spellcasters? I have a paladin and have a page in my spellbook for Cantrips but haven't got any? Do I get some and how?
Henchmen: Can i get more than one? Can i configure their inventory? How?
Can anyone suggest any good modules/hakpacks/script mods etc that will change the core game a bit but not make it stupid. Its pretty lame in its storyline: Chap1- get these 4 things and bring them to X, Chap2 - search these 4 areas and bring the info to me, find these 4 kids and bring me their rings. It all has a sameness that is so mindnumbing.
I have SoU and HotU, I'll try those later when I'm more into the original campaign.
Perhaps more questions later...
Oct 19 2006, 12:14 PM
Henchmen: You can't have more than one in the Core NWN campaign and in Shadows of Undrentide - haven't played anything else so not sure.
SoU and HoTU are infinitely better than the core NWN campaign...
Oct 20 2006, 01:31 PM
Anyone recall if henchmen inventory should be customisable?
Oct 20 2006, 03:06 PM
No. I, for one, find this annoying.
Oct 24 2006, 09:28 PM
You can control henchmen inventory, but only in expansions (SoU and ToU). Original campaign doesn't support this feature.
Oct 25 2006, 12:38 AM
I have SoU and HotU and i still cannot control inventory or is it that i can only control inventory while i play these expansions?
Is so...well that just sucks!
Oct 25 2006, 08:45 AM
QUOTE(Rabain @ Oct 25 2006, 12:38 AM)

I have SoU and HotU and i still cannot control inventory or is it that i can only control inventory while i play these expansions?
Is so...well that just sucks!
Yes, like I said - original campaign doesn't support this.
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