Sep 21 2004, 07:04 PM
How did YOU destroy Kangaxx?
Starter players have serious problems when fighting Kangaxx, even after several attempts.
I don't ask here for solutions, since we all know there are *several* (for those who don't know any and are interested, this thread will be useful then)
To each his own, so I am interested in the way you ceased the existence of the (demi-)lich.
I had Jaheira in my party who could summon Elementals (she was higher level than the party average), and my protagonist could cast the spell 'Immunity: Abjuration'. All other party members were too weak to do anything (too low level), especially against the demilich form (too high THAC0 of warriors, e.g. Minsc hadn't got even proper weapon; all spells were obviously ineffective on Kangaxx). I didn't have enough Spell Immunity: Abjuration spells (its duration is short), so if I remember correctly, I simply used Protection from Magic on Minsc before the battle. When Kangaxx transforms into its demi-lich form (the battle wasn't hard at all until this point), it starts using Imprisonment almost constantly. It was ineffective on Minsc (protection from magic was still on from the beginning of the battle), and meanwhile Jaheira summoned a few elementals, I think she could summon only two; Air Elementals preferably.
Now comes the best part: the Air Elemental was doing damage to Kangaxx (I had the elemental attack the lich from the back), but Kangaxx did NOT turn back to imprison the Elemental (unlike it does with characters). Perhaps it imprisoned one of the elementals but then Jaheira summoned another one which killed Kangaxx.
To sum up, Kangaxx can be beated with a low-level party easily if you have a Protection from Magic Scroll and can summon some elementals.
Sep 21 2004, 07:37 PM
I used the same method... I tried beating him (it?) without the "protection against magic" scroll, but it ended with all my characters being imprisoned, no matter how much creatures I summoned and where the group members where standing while fighting the Kangaxx "scull". And I really tried! Different tactics, where to place whom and so forth...

And then I read this easy (and it really is, then, because the scull doesn't do anything else then casting imprisonment) way of defeating Kangaxx and did it that way. In my experiance there is no other, so I would be very interested whether I'm mistaken.
Sep 21 2004, 07:47 PM
The Demi-Lich (SKull) has this in his script:
This is his imprisonment. I think i'll create a mini-mod where if you have spell 'Immunity: Abjuration' cast on yourself then Kangaxx will use Maze (modified so there is no save!) instead.
You have to give a lich a fighting chance eh?!
EDIT: I'll put this here so i don't hijack this thread - the Maze spell makes the target disappear just like Imprisonment but only for a limited time (which is based on the targets intelligence score)
Sep 21 2004, 07:51 PM
Hey! The thread wasn't "how should Kangaxx fight *you*"!!
-What does the spell "maze"?
Archmage Silver
Oct 10 2004, 06:50 PM
I had Minsc go berserk and wielding Crom Faeyr he smashed Kangaxx down.
Edit: of course there was a little backup from my mages.
Oct 10 2004, 06:54 PM
@Archmage Silver: That worked ?? I had the whole group and summond creatures hitting away at the scull and didn't succeed in destroying it before the whole party was imprisoned!
Oct 10 2004, 06:58 PM
He had Crom Faeyr... very powerful hammer. I also ask the same though: what could the mages do? Kangaxx is immune to all spells except HLAs. And most creatures that can be summoned by lower level spells can not hit him. Except Jaheria's elementals (as I've written in the initial post), but you always have to be careful or the demilich will imprison your summoned creatures.
Oct 10 2004, 07:00 PM
(interposed question: What does "HLA" stand for?)
Oct 10 2004, 07:19 PM
HLA = High Level Ability.
I killed Kangaxx with difficulty.
Thorium Dragon
Oct 10 2004, 07:34 PM
Protection from Magic scroll and Staff of the Magi.
Oct 10 2004, 07:38 PM
QUOTE(igi @ Oct 10 2004, 09:19 PM)
HLA = High Level Ability.
I killed Kangaxx with difficulty.
Thanks, igi.
With "difficulty"? is that a mod-NPC or an item?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Oct 10 2004, 07:44 PM
I was a thief and Yoshimo was in my party. We sat there and set traps, rested, set traps, rested, set traps. finally cast a bunch of protection from magic or whatever scrolls on us. and some protective magic. equipped my party w/ really good armor. Summoned some elementals. and started the fight. Traps fly off at Kangaxx bam bam bam bam bam bam bam. Minsc had silver sword equipped, i was a swash w/ blade of roses and the equalizer. Jaheira had The Impaler spear. Edwin, I don't remember what he had, he sat there casting fireballs.... And then Keldorn, equipped like he originally is. Finally he died. It took that same method 5-6 times, but he eventually died
Oct 11 2004, 11:41 AM
maybe this is why i like having the big picture installed....
my standard tactic with kangaxx, is to hit him with 'searing light' (3rd level cleric spell, added by TDD). one spell: lich-form destroyed. second 'searing light' on his demi-lich form: destroyed. party never takes any damage.
as a fallback (well, as a competition to see who can kill him faster - usually it's aerie and her searing light) i have the fighters equipped with all the undead-killing weapons i can find: st. cuthbert's mace, molytyr (TDD), holy swizanian hammer of lucerne (underrepresented items), flaming burst mace of disruption (underrep items). single undead, even super-tough undead, just aren't a threat in big picture
Archmage Silver
Oct 12 2004, 07:54 PM
Yeah, well, When I last destroyed Kangaxx I didn't use any mod items or whatsoever. My mages just helped Minsc by summon spells and buffs.
Oct 12 2004, 11:59 PM
oh yeah?!?! well the above description was for a different battle. i was thinking of the wrong one. I beat Kangaxx easy. it took a few times for me to figure it out, but i eventually did. "CTRL+Y"
Aldeth the Foppish Idiot
Oct 26 2004, 01:49 PM
I never tried to beat him with elementals. Didn't know that would work even, as I assumed they would be imprisoned.
For me, I usually don't try to take down the demi-lich until chapter 6, when I have access to great weapons. If I have a beserker or barbarian, I just go beserk or rage - very simple. If not, a buy a PfM scroll, cast it on my strongest tank, and best him down. Other characters use missile weapons to hasten the process. Usually I have one character firing Gesen Bow (without arrows) and mages cast Melf's Minute Meteors.
Nov 20 2004, 08:50 PM
Well, I have used the scroll of protection from magic on him, and just whooped him that way before. But that just didnt sit right. For quite some time I would summon a couple of Mordy swords and have my hasted PC with Crom Faeyr as well as another with the staff of Ryn and just try to smack him to crap. With a mage nearby with a few freedom scrolls, that was bloody, but fun.
Last thing I tried was when I had a beserker, and just used rage when fighting him. Was sweet being immune to imprisonment, and put him down easily.
Nov 26 2004, 08:30 AM
Jul 2 2005, 02:06 AM
Hmmm Korhan on berserker, and daystar (even before brynnlaw (i think he was like ion 15lev - don't remember - it was 2 years ago:) but this tactic worked MORE then smooth, heh poor Kangaxx didn't know what is happening. I really want to try Tactics and new fight with this "nasty" guy (or girl - huh??

), pretty violent anyway. I was really suprised with the berserker tactic, practically when your team is able to dfeat reg lish and has weapon +4 you can go straight to Kangaxx (and liches are not that difficult lol - 1,5M exp team (for each member) can do it I guess, of course with difficulty, so far before Brynnlaw:) Anyway up to now the most challenging Battle is Demigorgon and topic about this should be far more interesting - especially if you want to get a lot of exp kiling his servants that afterall are like 24k each (as i remember).
Jun 1 2006, 09:19 AM
I set traps where the first lich appears, then rest. Later I set traps on the upper left corner, rest again and have Yoshimo, Imoen, Valygar or whoever can hide in Shadows hidden in front of the coffin. I usually take Aerie or Nalia in my group. I have them casting protection from Abjuration and start the fight.
When the first Lich appears, the traps make a lot of damage, usually killing him, the Kangaxx appears and I hit him with the ring of battering ram (I think this is its name), that appart from doing him some damage (usually about 20 points of damage), blows him ALWAYS to the upper left corner, where some more traps are waiting. If the second group of traps don't kill him, Aerie or Nalia finish him with the Staff of Ryn, or the Staff of the Magi.
This is the method I always use, sometimes I summon some Fire Elementals (with Lady Nature, of course!) to help Nalia or Aerie.
Jun 7 2006, 02:02 PM
Easy method that always seems to work with minimal effort during chapter 2 - make sure you've completed the shade lords dungeon and collected the sunstone bullets. Go down to his tomb, use whatever you like to kill his first form (usually sunray from daystar and traps). When he goes demi - summon a wizard eye and keep it next to him, have all your character retreat to the entrance, giving one of them a sling with the sunstone bullets and have them attack him. He can't imprison the wizard eye and will focus all his energies upon it, while the sunstone bullets will do 1-4 damage and soon kill him.
Aug 4 2006, 01:47 AM
well, let's see... my most memorable was the fighter/mage going in with immunity:abjuration, everyone else huddling for dear life against the wall, except, I think, Jaheira with the sling of Evarard. F/M tried daystar, only to find it insufficient in the dweomer department, had to switch to a backup, I think Cutthroat, the dagger. And IIRC, Kangaxx only has 9 imprisons. Then he switches to something else.
I can't recall trying him with less than about 13th level, though.
Hrm, looking at the original Kangaxx, I see we get DEMILICH_DEATH (with the wait 3 after) and DEMILICH_TRAP_SOUL (every 60 ticks, or once a turn). I've got someone's modded version, which actually tries to get him to attack further away party members, and ends up giving prefeerence to the furthest away (because the script writer was not aware of the fact that searching for a NthNearestEnemyOf() will always return the furthest if the number of enemies is less than N).
Kangaxx is not tough, if you are expecting him. I recall my first meeting with him, watching my whole party go away... and then my PC popped upstairs to wonder what the heck he was going to do. And realized I had just over-written my auto-save.
Sep 25 2006, 07:44 PM
Wow, I seem to have used a combination of most all your tactics. The first thing I do is get all the +5 weapons I can (without cheating). This means Carsomyr if I have a paladin, which I usually don't, Crom Fayr with Minsc or my hero (for this fight, it's usually w/ Aerie), and Staff of the Magi with Nalia or Aerie. Combine that with traps from my thief (whoever that is), PfME and berzerk, summoning elementals (fire and air) mainly for targets of his Imprisonment if one of my protections runs out, though they do nice damage as well, and my mages/clerics/druids backing it all up with buff spells, Melf's Minute Meteorite (seems to be able to damage ANYTHING a little), and whatever else they want to throw at him. With all this together, I can take him in chapter 2 (or maybe it was 3, before the Underdark anyway).
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