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Full Version: A few questions
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
Hi all:

First question......when I extracted the files to my BG1 dir I couldn't find a file titled dialouge tlk. So I just put it in the main BG1 dir.

Could you please help me to find the dialouge tlk file the install directions says to replace.

Second question......when I extracted the files to the over ride directory it didn't ask if I wanted to replace the existing files.

Now.....I've already met Drizz't and helped him with the Gnoles, but Regis is nowhere to be found. I've gone over the entire map inch by inch looking.

Any help is appreciated.
Hi biggrin.gif

First of all: you must have BG1 datadisk "Tales Of The Sword Coast" installed in order to play this mod.

Second of all: when you extract downloaded file called "Drizzt", you should have two folders and one Readme file. One is "Drizzt Override" and the second is "Drizzt Tlk". Content of "Drizzt override" just copy to original BG1 Override folder and say yes to all replacing questions. Content of "Drizzt Tlk" just copy into the main BG1 folder and replace original "dialog.tlk" file...
Readme file is not important, you can delete it if you want...

Original dialog.tlk file is located in the main BG1 folder...

Now it should work...

Don´t forget to install ToTSC datadisk, otherwise it won´t work...

Hope it helps...

Val blink.gif

Thanks for thr quick response. I figured out what I did wrong late last night,(on eastern standard time)I had copied the entire folder instead of just the contents of it, also did the same thing with the tlk file.
I have found Drizz't and Regis and it looks like the Nine Hells are calling.
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