Sep 21 2004, 07:25 AM
No this is not a poll, rather a discussion topic.

What is the class you think to be the most powerful in BG2 (and ToB), and what is YOUR favourite class?
As for me, I'm sure that the Sorcerer is the most powerful class in the game. It's also a favourite class of me, I think not only because it is strong but also because the Sorcerer's energy comes from his/her veins... anyway I also like the Conjurer a lot.
Sep 21 2004, 07:28 AM
QUOTE(Baronius @ Sep 21 2004, 07:25 AM)
No this is not a poll, rather a discussion topic.

What is the class you think to be the most powerful in BG2 (and ToB), and what is YOUR favourite class?
As for me, I'm sure that the Sorcerer is the most powerful class in the game. It's also a favourite class of me, I think not only because it is strong but also because the Sorcerer's energy comes from his/her veins... anyway I also like the Conjurer a lot.
Actually I've always preferred clerics, or multclass clerics. I like to solo, and I always enjoy tossing a good healing spell or two.
Sep 21 2004, 07:39 AM
Fighter. I always go as a fighter (or is that fightress? Anyways), chaotic good (and guess which picture I choose for her).
A fighter can defend himself in direct battle, and there happen to be a lot in the game... You need fighters to protect the mages while they cast their spells, otherwise they won't be alive very long.
Take a powerful wapon in one hand, a shield in the other and then into direct battle with the enemy! Not my kind, standing behind and waving the arms...
Sep 21 2004, 02:21 PM
I dont know about most powerful (I dont really care about power gaming, or maximum damage, or anything really), but my favourite is a Mage/Thief - cast pretty looking spells, and you can hide in the shadows to run away too
Sep 21 2004, 06:01 PM
Guess my favourite class......Paladin!
I just can't believe the nobility of spirit of these guys!
It's not about power, it's not about magic, it's not about getting things your way:
It's about doing what's right when no one else will!
Sep 22 2004, 05:33 AM
Rabain: exactly, I like the paladin class most as well. imho, very interesting class for role-playing...
Sep 22 2004, 04:57 PM
CG Sorcerer, hands down. They're like a "boyscout" in that they are always prepared. Actually my favorite class was the custom hack job I did on the sorcerer that I solo'd the game with. "Runic Sorcerer", think norse sorc with a halberd.
Archmage Silver
Oct 10 2004, 06:46 PM
My favourite is a CN conjurer, the classic mad and powerful wizard... seriously, conjurer is one of the best classes in BG's and as I play mages mostly, conjurer fits me well.
Oct 10 2004, 07:20 PM
My favourite class is a cleric/mage. Even better (for both role-playing and practicalness; expecially role-playing) would be a priest of mystra dualled to a mage (perhaps an Abjurer, if it's possible to do a hack or two).
[note: I replied to the wrong thread by sheer accident, so I moved my post to the appropriate thread]
Oct 10 2004, 09:10 PM
Archer and Archer.
I had an individual body-count of >1000 with a 6-ppl party before finishing SoA. Do I need say more?
Aldeth the Foppish Idiot
Oct 26 2004, 01:58 PM
I think the answer to this completely depends on whether or not you are soloing. If you are soloing, I'd have to say a sorcerer, although a wild mage has a lot of potential as well, plus the ability to scribe scrolls to boost his XPs in the early going.
With a party, from a completely powergame perspective, I'd have to say a fighter-theif. It gives you the one class that is lacking in many parties (a fully functional thief) and especially if you are playing something like a half-orc, the backstab potential is nearly limitless. Once you hit ToB, in addition to HLAs of the various traps and use any item, you get assassinate. Assassinate in the hands of a skilled fighter-thief will take down just about anything. You can easily rack up upwards of 500 points of damage in a single round, probably more if you cast improved haste.
Oct 26 2004, 07:50 PM
My favourite has always been the monk. They tend to go a bit light on the armor, but I love all the immunities you get. At high levels they really know how to dish out the pain without taking it.
That said, monks are probably not the most powerful, that title would fall to the Sorcerer, or a Fighter/Mage/Cleric Multi-class. The F/M/C can be made unstoppable with the variety of self-buffs intended to enhance a mage or cleric and which seriously unbalance the fighter part of the multi-class. Not even demi-liches can harm you.
Oct 27 2004, 04:20 AM
The best class/kit has to be the swashbuckler. He's so close to a fighter because of THAC0 and AC bonuses, and being able to use more weapons then the average thief. And then there are the 3 slots in dual weapon wielding, which makes the kit even more powerful. Then on top of all this, if the thief wants a weapon, he just steals it. And if the thief can't steal the weapon from that store, they go and steal from other people until they have enough money or items to trade for that weapon or item.
So, simply said, the Swashbuckler is the best kit out there.
Oct 31 2004, 07:06 AM
I have to agree with Rabain and say that Paladins are my favourite class. Followed very closely by Rangers who I have been playing a lot more lately.... hmm on second thoughts I’ve grown to like Rangers more - I do have a ranger avatar after all.
The most powerful class is a toss up between mages and sorcerers. How can any other class compete with the ability to stop time?
Jul 2 2005, 01:54 AM
I think that there are two major types of players one that don't want to deal with magic and the other who love it. I belong to second group - I simply can't imagine fantasy game without it... It is the core thing that distinguish the realms presented in game form historical middle ages (maybe except the monsters...). For instance, even if Forgotten Realms have land of Cormyr, the game in it, I think, would be SO boring. Despite Minsc's extraordinary representaion of berserkers and their whiches form this land, lack of magic and trust in the might of physical strenght - destroys whole spirit of what the true fantasy should be in my feeling. Thus going back to the theme of this topic my favorite clas is of course dual class thief (swashbuckler) and mag, if there is XP Cap remover I shell even say that you can try to play multiclass thief/mag. Thief class is simply forced by terrible lack of any good thief in the game - some mods of course provides us with new characterws but still there is hard choice - as long as for me and in addition it gives possibility to use sweet katanas by mag (heh nice dual with weapons for example with long sword or scimitar (tripple damage) on tenesers spell - can be VERY productive - it simpluy rules (huh I probably misspeled this one also). Secondary, the dual thief mag, because of enormous power of mag in higher levels with HLA abilities is so enormous that excpet boss battles it don't need any help to go through maps (thus disarming traps, instead of keeping thief all the time behind is VERY useful). Secondary I really think that mags, or better mag specialist are better then sorcerers. First they are maybe slower in developing magic skills but variety of spells makes them VERY elastic and useful, some situations force to use new tactics (especially after instalation of Weimer's Tactic mod), and variety of spells that mag class represents can help many times - and prepare perfect sets of spells against particular creatures like in Planar Sphere in hell (cold spells) or thesame in Marching mountains - the ares in which mostly used fire spells are useless and different magic is quite handy. As long as I attempt to play BG2 again, I think that this time I'll make kenesai/mag dual class. In addition to possibility to fight with fighter weapon the kai plus tesner plus all mag spells to help plus improoved speed (and some item that adds attcaks per round form mods) can make a real killing machine with skil to use time stop destroy anyt protection and use deadly swords against enemy.... Ahhh just love it:) What would you say guys on sth like this (despite my lack of english skills -

Jul 2 2005, 02:42 PM
The ability to cast Time Stop for a character with a very good THAC0 and a powerful weapon, means a formidable power. I played the game with a Kensai/Mage (or Fighter/Mage?) long time ago, having high proficiency in War Hammer.
Man, Time Stop + Crom Faeyr [+ Protection from Magical Weapons] is simply powerful.
You're very right about the importance of magic in these games. I also belong to the afore-mentioned second group.
It's another question that I find many things in BG2 too forced, too "unrealistic". But this belongs to another topic; its relevant part is the spell-dumping: tons of new spells, ridiculous protection-removal spells and so on. BG1 was better in this respect.
Dec 23 2005, 11:08 PM
Hi all:
My favorite.......Paladin, it's just not right to fight evil without one.
Most powerful....Sorcerer with a gamer that knows how to use it, though an epic level Paladin is a force to be reckoned with.
Lord Ernie
Dec 24 2005, 12:10 AM
I agree with the second group here: Sorcerer, hands down. The sorcerer implementation of BG2 is even a bit overpowered. While fighters and Archers especially get more kills overall, it's in the big, hard battles that mages shine.
Dec 24 2005, 08:26 AM
As for the most powerful class I agree with Baronius that sorcerer stands in the first rank, provided that the player chooses his spells thoughtfully.
My most favourite single class characters (I am not considering new kits here, otherwise my list could be a tad different):
- Sorcerer
- Mage
- Stalker
- Berserker
- Barbarian
My most favourite dual-class characters:
- Berserker-thief
- Berserker-druid
Apr 13 2006, 02:18 PM
I try them all out once in a while, but my most frequent are...
Single class:
-Cleric/Mage (multi)
-Fighter/Mage (dual)
-Fighter/Thief (dual or multi)
-Cleric/Thief (multi)
-Undead Hunter
-Priest of Helm
-Priest of Lathander
-Sylvan Mystic
-Knight Templar
-Knight Hospitaller
For now. I'm sure I'll try out more stuff later.
Jul 10 2006, 06:31 PM
Just for the record, let me correct my previous comments on this thread.
My recent tests have indicated that Wild mage is,
in principle (though perhaps not always in practice), even more powerful than sorcerer. The ability of casting as many 8th and 9th level spells as the number of first level spells you are allowed to memorize is a great advantage for Wild mages over sorcerers. Furthermore, Wild mage doesn't even need to have the spells memorized nor even needs to qualify the required level to cast them. Combining Improved Alacrity with time stop and then casting a huge number of high level spells beyond the number available even to sorcerers makes wild mage the most powerful class in the game. Sorcerer stands second to wild mages.
Of course the probability of an annoying wild surge in the heat of the fight still exists as a disadvantage, but the advantages are perhaps more than adequate to compensate it.
Furthermore, Sorcerer's limitation of the number of known spells in each spell level may turn to a disadvantage for novice or unexperienced players specially when we concentrate on 6th level spells. The number of important 6th level spells is more than the number of spells a sorcerer can pick from the pool of 6th level spells at medium or even at relatively high levels of experience. Even more important is the order of picking the 6th level spells which may cause problems for unexperienced players. The limitation of the number of known spells exists for other spell levels as well, but it is for the 6th level spells that it may turn to a serious disadvantage if the player doesn't pick them in the right order (unless of course a sorcerer decides to rely on other mage party members for some of those essential spells, which is again a disadvantage in its turn.)
Still, and despite all these points, sorcerer is my favourite class.
Nov 2 2006, 03:40 PM
Sorcerer for soloing. Dual/multi evil fighter/mage, fighter/thief. Paladin - if I'm good.
Nov 2 2006, 03:51 PM
I alternate between a few favorites.
Clerics, because I like their versatility and power. They are decent in a fight, they have access to healing spells, and they have a few good offensive spells. I *love* exploding undead, too.
Undead Hunters, because paladins rock, and I like the special features of the undead hunter class. It isn't as if there aren't any in the game, after all. They can use any weapon in the game, have normal access to spells a paladin would be able to use, and do bonus damage agianst undead. And they are unmistakable good guys. What's not to like?
Rangers, straight class or Archer for a change of pace.
Nov 7 2006, 04:20 PM
The answer to this question really depends on a lot of things like playing style and your personal view of what a good character should be. But since I've been through the game about 15 times, I guess I can at least say which classes I find it easiest to beat the game with, considering their advantages and disadvantages. You can even call it a SWOT analysis.
So, who's strongest:
1) level 9 kensai dualed to a thief - this guy can single the game and at the same time excel in a party. Hits everyting, can hide and backstab, etc.
2) Sorcerer - extremely powerful both working alone or in a party
3) Fighter/druid combinations - both multi and dual. Some people I've spoken with consider cleric/rangers to be a better class, but at the beginning of the game c/r are significantly weaker, because they're bad at hitting the target and still lack usefull spells.
My favourites are:
1) Kensai/Mage - provides verious challenges from the beginning to the end of the game. You start with a good fighter, then you crawl around until you get good spells and regain THAC0. Then you become better with your spells, but never improve your fighting, which means you have to adapt your style throughout the game. I love it, love it, love it.
2) Sorcerer
3) Swaschbuckler
4) Kensai\thief
5) Totemic druid - I like druids in particular, but don't want them to shift into animals. That's why I made the burning man (although he is a fighter, not a druid).
Feb 5 2007, 06:21 PM
QUOTE(Sikret @ Jul 10 2006, 01:31 PM)

My recent tests have indicated that Wild mage is, in principle (though perhaps not always in practice), even more powerful than sorcerer. The ability of casting as many 8th and 9th level spells as the number of first level spells you are allowed to memorize is a great advantage for Wild mages over sorcerers. Furthermore, Wild mage doesn't even need to have the spells memorized nor even needs to qualify the required level to cast them. Combining Improved Alacrity with time stop and then casting a huge number of high level spells beyond the number available even to sorcerers makes wild mage the most powerful class in the game. Sorcerer stands second to wild mages.
Of course the probability of an annoying wild surge in the heat of the fight still exists as a disadvantage, but the advantages are perhaps more than adequate to compensate it.
Here's something which isn't documented, but Nahal's Reckless Dweomer has Improved Alacrity built into it. You can cast a spell with Nahal's and as soon as it goes off, you can immediately fire off another Nahal's and start another spell. With the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power, you could conceivably get off six Dragon Breath spells in a round, for example. The higher the level (with Improved Chaos Shield up, naturally) the better the chances.
The standard ToB implementation allows for cheezy tactic that puts them over the top into godliness. Chain Contingency allows you to bypass the inability to stack Chaos Shield. Three Improved Chaos Shields on self, activated on sight of the enemy cast by a 20th level Wild Mage will give Nahal's a 99% success rate, and at 23rd level (Color Change at #98 would be the only failure), Nahal's is guaranteed to be successful (the effects at 99 and 100 have the intended spell go off). With this setup, it's
safer to cast spells with Nahal's then starting a spell normally, because if you get a surge with a normal spell, your level is not added to the roll and there will be a chance of failure or detrimental effects.
Even without that cheese, a high level Wild Mage is definitely dangerous, double meaning intended.
Nov 6 2007, 04:09 PM
Fighter/Thief (Dwarf or Halfling)
Berserker > Cleric (or Cleric/Ranger if you're impatient)
I've enjoyed all of these classes a whole lot, and they're all very powerful together or by themselves. As a 3 person party, I think it's the most powergaming you can do, if that's your goal as well.
Ryel ril Ers
Jan 13 2008, 07:17 PM
My favourite is the blade because his versality and hight casting level.
Jan 14 2008, 11:11 AM
Either Kensai-Druid with Staff of Woodlands, until than Rhynn
(The Barkskin spell is very, very good) She is wel protected, and also deadly, and a good healer (I use Heals to lvl 6 spells)
Berserker-Druid with Impaler
He is Lethal.
As the Kensai-Druid has style and finesse, with her fighting, my Berserker-Druid (more likely the shaman would be better name) is Brutal. With buffing and Attacking Spells. Every Second charm person goes trough, and there is poison, dol.decay, insect plague, etc.
Ryel ril Ers
Jan 14 2008, 12:57 PM
I'm glad to you like the Berserker->Druid.
I think that is a great class. The nymph summon is great for spare healing spell and summon cannon fodder. I like when my "shaman" fighting in the middle of the front and her three minion start heal her at once

I love that spell because in one spell you summon a very good healer in the first part of the game and she summon animals and with her teleport she distract the enemys.
Jan 15 2008, 08:53 AM
Yes, I use it too, Because besides the 2-3 Defensive Harmony there are some slots left, and the Death Ward, and prot from Lightning are very special occasion spells, and Cure Ser. Wounds heals a few HP-s, and because there are much more free slots to lvl 1, and 3, especially to the Berserker one (which I imported from BGI, with 20 WIS) (s)he can memorize a lot of Light, and Medium wounds.
Jul 22 2008, 09:41 PM
Pretty much all of classes/kits are nice, just some depent more on their equipment.. I like berserker/cleric dual a lot. rang/cler multi is also very fun to play. They are nothing in power compared to arcane casters, but I like holy men:)
Aug 8 2008, 02:52 PM
Paladin Undead Hunter... or Paladin Undead Hunter
May 13 2009, 09:26 PM
Since there is not much going on here today, thought I'd revisit this topic.
anyway the thief is the most interesting class, tho not truly delved into by BG
Jul 24 2009, 12:24 PM
My favourite classes are dualclassed figter-Mages in the following order
1. Barbarian-mage
2. Berserker-Mage
3. Kensomage
My reasons are in the TS topics, in my reports, on the characerizaions.
After that dualled figher-druids.
In single class my favourie is swashbuckler, because in my hand (s)he acts like a multiclassed fighter-thief (I rarely use backstab, my thieves are stealthing, stealing, and rapping), and with dualwielded scimitar can reach 8 attack/round
dualwield 2 attack
Belm +1
Scarlet Ninja-to(before UAI Kundane) +1 attack
various items, and spells improved haste doubles the 4 atack/round
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