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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > The Gathering Hall
1.Where is information about weapon critical threat is stored? For example, short sword has 19-20/x2, two-handed axe 20/x3, etc. I can't find it in .ITM files sad.gif

2. In IWD2 there is Improved Critical feat. I'd like to modify it in way that charachters could take it several times. I found only few 2DA files, containing information about gaining feats on 1st and other levels by different classes. Nothing more about feats sad.gif

How can i modify feat "mechanics"? Is it possible to modify feats using Near Infinity? unsure.gif
There is an opcode to add an effect that improves your chance of a critical hit.

Otherwise I believe the chance of critical is hardcoded.

Opcode 301 on this page of the IESDP:
It seems that this codes is very different in IWD2. For example, #0 in IWD2 is AC bonus, not an AC bonus vs. damage type. #301 is unknown, and makes game to crush when i try to import character with item with this effect.

Even worse, there isn't any effect according to critical hits in list that I see modding IWD2. I scanned names of all efects.
Is there an item that modifies your chance to do a Critical? Or a special ability/Feat that does?

If there is then it might be good to start by coping that and removing effects until you find which one is for the Critical.

Don't forget to report anything you find on Unknown opcodes over at the IESDP forum at G3.
Yes, there are such items. I've found that such "sharp" items gives +1 to critical threat by replacing "normal attack type" by "keen attack type" in the item ability sheet. I don't know, is it possible to modify "keen attack" properties somehow.

I was thinking, that feat "Improved Criticals" works by replacing all attacks with keen attacks, but its cumulates with "sharp" weapons! For example, fighter with only this feat and normal axe has 19-20/x3, without feat and with sharp axe also has 19-20/x3, but with both feat and sharp axe has 18-20/x3.

How heavily feats mechanics is coded? I'm hoping to modify this feat somehow.
In IWD2 there is a spell "Executioner's eyes", it gives +4 to hit and +4 to critical. Works through effect #427 "Executioner's eyes", that gives this bonuses.
Is it possible to modify this effect?
It should be possible to modify the effect via editing in NI or in DLTCEP.

Don't forget to rename the spell so as not to overwrite Executioners Eyes. Or simply open your creature file in NI and apply the effect directly to the creature, copying the parameters as they appear in the spell effect.
Yes, I can easily apply this effect to creature or item. But its grants 4 and only 4 to critical hit. I would like to control amount of bonus given to critical hit. Is it possible in IWD2? There is no .EFF files or so, only .SPL. But spells use effects from list, entries of which i can't modify.

Is there any files that contains effects mechanics? I mean files editable by NI.
And another question:
There are field named "Power" in effect properties sheet. It follows "Targettype" field. What does "Power" field do?
I assume it is similar to the Power field for BG2 effects in that you can specify the power level the spell casts at.

It's most likely unneccessary for this type of effect.
Yes, "Executiner's eye's" is a 9th level spell. I suspected that Power field indicates level of spell. Thanks for confirmation smile.gif

What about bonus amount modifying(see post #8 in this thread)?
I haven't looked too much at how IWD2 works but I assume it has effects similar to BG2.

Any Opcode can be added as an Effect and edited accordingly.

Have you tried adding a new Effect to your creature that uses the opcode from Executioners eyes? I would think you could change the setting from 4 to whatever you wished.
Problem is that there aren't any field that contains 4 in it. Power field does not matter, Dices fields both contain 0. I think that bonus amount is "buried" deeper, in effect type itself. And is not editable by NI sad.gif
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