Sep 16 2006, 04:45 PM
Just read an interview over at Gamebanshee on this new title in development:
http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/ageofdecadence1.phpIt seems interesting even if the 3D graphics are a bit dated now but at least they seem to be concious of the direction they wish to go:
http://www.irontowerstudio.com/index.htmAfter looking at the screenshots I think this game could grow on me if the dialog options live up to the designers intentions.
Worth a look at least!
Sep 16 2006, 09:11 PM
"A working monitor will greatly enhance your experience. "
Truer words were never spoken. trying to play a 3D game without any sort of monitor is a difficult thing :-)
"It looks like something that crawled out of 1995." Hrm; There was a Dark Sun adventure done a couple years before that that was actually pretty darn nice looking, as far as it goes; graphically about the level of BG1. So, I'd have to wait and see.
Sep 18 2006, 06:24 AM
The grpahics are ancient indeed, but the floor tiles look nice enough. This might be an interesting title.
Sep 18 2006, 06:58 AM
The actual graphics are a bit bleh, yeah; the GUI graphics just make me want to wail and cry. Haven't peopled LEARNT that a pretty GUI really helps draw players??
Those sorts of things are quite possible within the IE engine, conversation-wise; I mean... how is having different solutions to a quest depending on who you know an original idea? =/
I'm undecided as to whether its something to look forward to from my side... I guess I'll have to wait and see. XD
Sep 18 2006, 09:03 AM
If the quest solutions availiable depended on ratios of reputations it would be very difficult to do in IE. IE Scripting, while Turing complete, does not lend itself to such math.
Sep 18 2006, 10:51 AM
It's not so much that its original but that no one else is currently doing a dialog heavy and dialog driven quest solution game at the moment.
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