Now, I figured it was time to start posting my edits again. I'm hoping for some encouraging feedback, maybe I'll start making more, and doing more in-depth editing. I had an old forum that was miraculaously still online, so I turned it into my storage space for portraits I've edited, and a plce for people to request some as well. That way, if I ever do dissappear again, I can still be gotten ahold of when I get to the library.
To start off, some old Viconia edits. One of these is an edit of an edit, so if anyone knows the original editor, I'd be ever so greatful to know.

Next, a Jaheria edit. This one is about a year old.

I added a little color to her cheeks and lips, a little blue to her braid ties, and turned up the corner of her mouth ever so slightly.
Some Anomen Edits

These are about 6 months old... and done out of pure bordeom.

Didn't like the old portrait, didn't like the new portrait. So I combined them.

Eww on the first, yay on the second. These are both two years old or so. The second one is being used by Baronius for a mod, so please don't use it for anything besides personal use.
Now, I'd like to apologize for the "Kiwi" credit on them. I origianlly had versions w/o the credit, but in a recent move from computer to laptop, I lost them.

So, should I keep making/editing portraits? I find it fun, and had two featured in a mod, though I've lost both those portraits.

Check out my bg portrait site for request info, and to see more portraits. I'll post more here as I make them.