Jul 4 2006, 06:09 PM
Does anyone know where I might find a potential map for some sort of arena/coliseum?
Jul 11 2006, 12:15 PM
Waukeen's Promenade is probably the best place to start for something like that. It would need to be fairly large to be able to do anything inside it and still have it at an impressive height.
Jul 11 2006, 05:20 PM
Yeah, I thought about Waukeens, it's just that I was hoping to avoid doing THAT much work.
But since no one seems to know of any other possibilities, I guess I'll use waukeen's as a starting point.
Jul 11 2006, 11:05 PM
I did not want to mention anything but we got a new computer at work and I put 3ds on it and been messing around with making a colossium but it is only a part time job so if I did get anyhing it would a while before it ets done.
Jul 12 2006, 05:00 AM
I created a little coliseum from Waukeen´s Promenade already, long time ago, and I won´t use it in any of my work, so if you want it it´s yours. I´ll post a shot here later today for you, if you´re interested...
Jul 14 2006, 05:12 PM
Sure, I'd love to take a look at it.
Thank you!
Either way.
I'll see if I can use Valiants, in the meantime, have fun messing around with 3ds.
Jul 15 2006, 06:50 AM
Well, 3ds was also a big mystery for me before...

For example to make a serious dungeon take a week of work, if you want it to look like original area from bg2...
I haven´t time to post a screen here last week, but I will on sunday or next week...

Don´t worry, I didn´t forgot....
Jul 16 2006, 04:26 PM
So here is the shot of my fight arena... If you like it, I can send it to you via mail...Original area has dimensions about cca. 2400x2100. And it´s in PSP (PaintShopPro) format, so it has transparent background. In other words you can you it as a layer...

of course you must have some graphical program installed already (PaintShopPro or PhotoShop).
Jul 16 2006, 04:32 PM
Nice work. You should post more if you have stuff lying around unused!
Jul 16 2006, 06:30 PM
I'll take it, if no-one else does (I'll take it if anyone else does as well... :-)
Jul 16 2006, 06:32 PM
Well done. Now, the real work is to turn this picture into a game area with walls, lights, height and search map.
Jul 16 2006, 06:55 PM
There are some areas I made before I started to work in 3ds.... Only problems in CUT-AND-PASTE method are shadows, you have to do them manually...
Making areas is 3ds is really easy, just to figure out all the possibilities of Max... Procedural textures and so on...
If I´ll find some areas, I´ll post them, don´t worry.
About coliseum - if Duality won´t response about it, just PM me whoever wants this area and I´ll send it via mail...
Jul 17 2006, 10:33 PM
That's a beautiful map. I'd love it if you could e-mail it to me.
Send it to Igi to if he wants it.
Jul 22 2006, 08:01 AM
To Duality: will send you, but I´m on vacation now, and will be for 3 weeks. After comeback will send it to you... You have to wait... Hope you don´t mind...
Jul 22 2006, 08:29 AM
Congrats, another person who can create decent area art
Aug 6 2006, 01:52 AM
QUOTE(Valiant @ Jul 22 2006, 08:01 AM)

To Duality: will send you, but I´m on vacation now, and will be for 3 weeks. After comeback will send it to you... You have to wait... Hope you don´t mind...
Great and not a problem since I'm not in a big hurry. (Plus I was just out of town for a week)
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