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Full Version: For the future ... ?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
Hello flysoup,

thanks for sharing your work with us, may i ask you if there is the chance in future to have the mod in Weidu format?

Yes smile.gif
Yes that is the intention from now on to make it a WeiDu though to make it compatible with the other BG1 TotSC mods a need to look into their creatures is a must. Since I use new animations, for example I remember that Dark Side of the Sword Coast uses gibberling animations for fire elementals etc.

So one would need to change thoose cre´s in that mod in a WeiDu install.
A suggestion from me would be to change the fire elementals to use mayhaps a human or ogrillion animation with yellow glowing rgb and also a flame effect to it.

Since I am an old school fart I haven´t learned WeiDu yet, but am looking in to it, though any help would be more than welcomed.

And I also welcome new ideas involving this mod, since it would be nice to add a few more adventurers before WeiDuing it. I have one adventure in my mind involving Lolth herself.

(ehrmm didn´t really have to write all this since I now see the link abow tongue.gif )

You can all reach me on mail:

Good speed,
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