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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
In the mod there are many items to be found (also ones to be forged) so always look out for locations where theese might be hidden.

When you have joined Drizzt talk to Regis and the adventure will head into the Nine Hells. Though fights awaits you here so look out for every corner for potions to aid due to the wounds you might be inflicted with.

3 good items to be found:
Ice Slasher Axe (can be forged with Winter Rune scroll)
Black Opal Plate
Belhifet Two Handed Sword

After the Nine Hells the adventure journeys further into the Icewind Dale where you will encounter numerous foes and meeting up with Regis again in Bruenors house.
You will learn that Bruenors ward Catti Brie is in trouble. In the Dale wilderness areas there are two caves. One hiding a lich wich you will recognize wink.gif Release him by finding his scull located in the other cave. The lich holds a ring of no lesser sort.

Journey onward and you will meet Bruenor and the adventure continues underground
battling drows and other foes. You will get into an ambush set up by Jarlaxe, Ártemis and the Demon Errtu. If you are of evil alignment you will get an option to join Jarlaxe and have Artemis and him in your party. If you choose this one then you will have to fight Drizzt and his companions ofcourse. If not fight the evil ones and also Catti Brie joins up here. Good items to loot from Artemis and Jarlaxe.

Items to be found underground is:
A Spider figurine
Magi Staff
A Winter Rune Scroll (forged with the Ice Slasher axe)

After completing this major quest walk back up to the surface where you will meet a robed character and he will summon you to the mountain of the dead. Tough battles awaits (among the foes are vampires with constitution drains, when reached 0 you die). The only protection against their draining is deathward potions bought from Jan Jansens cousin in his boat. Meet him in the Bear Tribe Quest wich will be given to you when you first arrived to Icewind Dale.

In the wilderness area outside the mountain of the dead you will find a green ioun stone and a green dragon head (used to forge a green dragon armor).

In the mountain you will meet the Dwarven smith Silverhammer. Other things he can forge is a enchanted winterwolf pelt 50% protection against cold. You need a winterwolf pelt for that.

Many items to be found in the mountain among them are a moonblade and a storm mace also at the third floor an artifact that summons forth a Tanari.

This was only a brief small walkthrough, there are more included besides this.
Feel free to post questions about the mod in the forum and I will answer as quick I can.


Having alot of fun trying to keep my "Heros of The Dale" alive. I believe I have beaten the mod, but I'm not sure where it ends. Have I missed something...SPOILER!!!!!!!!

I have found Bruener and Wolfgar, rescued Cat, returned the baby, and have the Idol in my possesion. What's next? If I talk to the halfling in the Bear Tribe village he just wants to teleport me again, wich results in crash to desktop.

stumpted......seeking closure tongue.gif

First of all that crash sounds alarming, did it happen after you already had visited the area he teleported you to? He is suppoused to leave after you have been teleported once.

If you haven´t been able to teleport yourself to the area Storm March mountains
then retry. I will look into it for a fix.

And when you speak of the idol i suppouse you meen the Tanari Idol found in The Mountains of the Dead.

If this is the case then I assume that Drizzts Quests is completed, remember that there are a few minor quests as the Lich for example.

Other than that there are an encounter in the end of Baldurs Gate though that is tied to the Bhaal Saga rather than the Drizzt Saga. The Drizzt Saga is still improving and new adventures will be added and also in thoughts is to make a continue for BG 2.

I am looking for modders to hook up with about ideas and such.

Many greetings,
Hi all:

.......................Possible Spoilers....................................

Yes Flysoup, I had already been teleported to The Storm March Mountains once, yet the halfling,(his name escapes me) was still in the inn at the same location.

Yes, the idol is the Tanari Idol, also I have the ring from the lich.

Am I correct in thinking I might get to play out the rest of Baldur's Gate with Drizz't and company? biggrin.gif
Indeed that is correct due to the idea for the future of this mod is to bring in more adventures that will emerge if you have Drizzt and companions in your party.

Also in the idea state is to bring in banters.

But for now, yes you can journey through BG 1 with Drizzt and companions though Drizzt´s Twinkle wont have any major problems in dancing around the foes and forcing them to bite the dust wink.gif

Though the final fight have been toughened up as I remember.

Greetings and good speed,
Ancient Galatan
Well, completed all quests for it.

But I don't want to take the group to the end of BG 1, I just want to finish with my "old" party.

I have BGT installed, but am I going to miss anything if I don't take Drizzt and his group along for the rest of BG 1?
Nay you aint going to miss out on anything if you don't take the Drizzt crew through the whole Bg1.

(The added encounter in the end of the game is based on the protagonist so Drizzt aint a must.)
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