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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight
Running BG TuTu. Should I use the TGC1E BG1Tutu, or the TGC1E BGT-WeiDU edition? Are both of them WeiDU or only 2nd.

Man, are you serious? blink.gif

OK, maybe I'm missing a joke, but in a case you are serious: as name of TGC1E BG1Tutu clearly suggests, it's one optimised for TuTu so you should use this edition. It's in WeiDU, as all modern mods are wink.gif
Actually many people believe BGT is an abbreviation of BGTutu. Long ago, when I first heard of BGT, I asked if it was BGTutu.

clydeski: as Creepin said, your choice is the TGC1E BG1Tutu edition. Have fun! smile.gif
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