Mar 2 2006, 08:12 PM
Have any of your team managed to extract any thrones at all?
If so, can someone point them out as I've had a look but have had no joy.
Mar 2 2006, 11:27 PM
arcanum (misc. tiles) has 2 one nice one sort of dull from the dwarves.
what are you looking for?
eh they do not seem to be on there we have them in a huge file of everything arcanim I could give you a link or if you wait I can post the images of them if I find them
psp image
Mar 2 2006, 11:56 PM
there is the two and some other stuff thrown in for good measure.
zip file loaded to above post
Mar 2 2006, 11:57 PM
If I remember correctly, Balthazar's throne is among SirBillyBob's tiles (or at least somewhere in Community Assets).
Mar 4 2006, 02:39 PM
The file in that winzip doesn't work.
Mar 4 2006, 02:53 PM
IETME seems to have serious errors when reading certain tiles from Community Assets contributions (not surprising, considering IETME's high number of bugs and coding inconsistencies). If your post refers to Balthazar's Throne, that one actually worked to me in IETME.
Mar 4 2006, 02:57 PM
Ick, verbal slip on my part there.
It looks like the file in SK's zip file is a .pspimage, I've renamed it with the psp extension but it's still unrecognised.
Mar 4 2006, 09:58 PM
nmm it works fine for me. it is a psp image you have to open it with ph or psp then convert it to bmp. however it is the same as the png pic (just below the zip) but without a background
Mar 4 2006, 10:11 PM
I downloaded this and it does not work in Photoshop. Just get an error when opening it in photoshop, no option to convert.
Mar 4 2006, 10:19 PM
can ph open psp images?
or is your ph file extentions acknowledge psp files? I have no problem with psd files. huh I guess one more reason to favor psp over ph

ok Ill load a psd file. hmm psd file is bigger than psp too
Mar 4 2006, 10:31 PM
Yeah that works. I still much prefer photoshop, I couldn't stand psp when i had it.
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