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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > Enhanced Creatures
horred the plague
I've been combing the web to find Cirerrek's Detectable Stats package, now that his homepage has changed, but have been unsuccessful. I'm trying to check it vs the BPDetectStat package. Cirerrek had talked of converting over to it ages ago, but I never heard a definite answer.

I'm curious, because this sounds like it will be the main obstacle between BP and EC compatability (if different). In fact, possibly an insurmountable wall.

The changes made to BPDetectStats were made for good reasons, to replace some defunct/buggy scripting states that KR's package (yes, Cirerrek's first package was a minor reworking of Kensai's Ryu's original) introduced. It also adds a great deal more functionality than the older system. Dozens more spells, and types of spells, can be detected and countered against. In v1.2, I even figured out a way to detect "cloud" spells, such as web, cloudkill, meteor swarm (etc)--without the need for an invisible creature standing in the center.

If we get over this obstacle (if it actually exists), BP and EC should be almost entirely compatible. You use custom scripts (with custom names) for your AI, correct? The BP 'Creature-script convertor' only touches the standard generic AI scripts (changing them to their BP equivalents) like WDASIGHT, MAGE6A, GENSHT01, and so on.

I ask because the BG2-altering (and BG1 generic script-altering) BP will be out on the shelves (in unfinished beta format) within a couple weeks. It is fully compatible with all the "big mods"--even though it still has ~2500 overwriting-style CRE files to convert over to hex-patching.

I have not even begun to address the BG1 cre files--in fact, I intentionally removed them from my package (I had these all done in BP-BGT, classic version). If our mods can prove compatible, there will be no need for me to address these. If not, I will be forced to address these myself, and we will be competition for all of time. I would rather not do the extra work at this late date, and work in conjunction with each other.

If you have not checked out the BPDetectStats package yet, please do so. Several mirrors host the wonderful weidu conversion done by King Diamond. Not only will it help insure compatability with the big mods (at little overall cost), it will vastly improve and simplify the functionality of your scripting quest. wink.gif
Actually, I use my own detectable spells code (based on the one found in dev wiki in gibberlings).
There are many detectable spells mod available but all have things I don't like (I could explain these in details). Plus, I add many spells (needed for my scripts).

So, I found it was simplier to include my own version of detectable spells in my mod.

But, we can see if some version could work with my scripts.
He is at G3 now.

horred the plague
I checked the G3 package. It is the same as BPDetectStat. So, depending on how Aigleborgne modified it--it should be compatible. APPENDing instead of overwriting, for starters...

Also--were the "overlooked" slots put to use? I can honestly say, they were not "overlooked". Avenger ( of GemRB, DLTCEP) and I discovered that setting these values had weird in-game side-effects. e.g., I believe it was setting stat 169 to 1 or more that took away a PC's foot circle. Others simply would not work (those above 182).

The best way I've found to add new spells and things to detect for is to "piggyback" off an existing value. Try to pick one that isn't related to what you're doing, or just checks for a binary (0-1) relationship.

I recently added detectable "cloud" spells to the package. All web, stink cloud, ice storm, you name it. I used the 180 WIZARD_GREATER_MALISON stat. All values for the "clouds" are at 11-20. Only possible mixup is if somebody is standing in the cloud under the effects of greater malison. It could screw up a Greater Malison check (make it ring positive). Not perfect, but better than losing feet circles or worse.
horred the plague
As a developer of a new mod that uses (at least some form of) Detectable Stats, I wanted to bring to your attention this thread.

You had mentioned changes to accomodate your needs. Now is the time to express them, while the package is going under revision. Maybe we can bring this all together yet. wink.gif
I believe that, potentially, a separate Tutu version of Detectable Stats would be advantageous. It would allow greater refinement of what is detectable since there would be no need to worry about reserving stats for BG2's high-level nonsense.
horred the plague
While I see your point, Sim--this will even further the gulf between BGT and TuTu mods, in the long run. Note that some people do not find this as undesirable as others. But if the goal truly is unity, this is indeed a step in the wrong direction.
QUOTE(horred the plague @ Apr 4 2006, 05:47 AM)
While I see your point, Sim--this will even further the gulf between BGT and TuTu mods, in the long run.

So does continuing independent development. From my perspective, I'm not going to hold off making my mods as good as they possibly can be for the sake of bridging the gulf when thus far I have yet to see any concrete effort from anybody in terms of bringing the two together.
Currently, all I'm looking at developing is a Tutu AI pack, which you probably have covered for BP-BGT anyway, so you won't really be losing out.
There's also the possibility that for BGT, a separate DS system could be used for the BG1 portion and "deactivated" when you reach BG2, if there's some way of granting immunity to specific modifiers on each spell. (Galactygon will shortly be along to tell me this is impossible.) In any case, perhaps the discussion should be brought to the G3 thread.

(Galactygon will shortly be along to tell me this is impossible.)

Not this time. smile.gif With some scripting and timers and globals and such, it is certainly possible.

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