Here are some of the skills featured in ROTM. From left to right: plant lore, poisons, forge, conceal, disguise, hunt and beasts lore.
Plant lore: the ability to find, pick up and use various plants to brew potions;
Poisons: allow you to brew and use poisons;
Forge: pretty obvious I suppose;
Conceal is the thief skill stealth, just renamed ;
Disguise: change your face to be unrecognized or mimic someone else.
Hunt: like the tracking ability, but more, allows you to set traps;
Beast lore: depending of the level, you gain advantages above beasts (like AC and THAC0 bonus), or you can even tame a beast to make a companion of it.
Feb 5 2006, 09:04 PM
not your every day npc mod you have here, you are really shaking things up has this been tested? keep up the good work
Well, thanks to igi, I've understood many things about scripting.
How it works: ar the character creation, you choose spells. Scripts check the spells, then remove them and give you fully functionnable skills.
In fact, many of those skills are used with an invisible creature: poisons, disguise and forge needs one (or at least a talkable item). So test them is not difficult but extending the skill to make it usable at nearly every step of the game is... it's a frightful work, man!
Other skills...
From left to right: Tune, Shape, Scansion, Resonance, Demonology, Diplomacy, Eloquence.
Tune: one of the magical arts. With music, you can manipulate the mind of others.
Shape: second of the magical arts. It deals with matter. How to weaken, consolidate and even animate it. If you improve both Forge and Shape, you could even create artifacts!
Scansion: third of the magical arts. Use poetry to manipulate time.
Resonance: used to manipulate the dancers, the core of Ascendancy.
Demonology: at its basis, it provides bonus against demons. But if you dare walking the patch of the Darken, you can use it to invoke demons!
Diplomacy & Eloquence: pretty obvious I suppose.
Nor magical either lore-based (plant and beast lore) skills are available at character generation. You'll have to find teachers to learn them.
Feb 7 2006, 08:27 PM
Very promising, egm!
RotM is the first in the row of the (few) TCs I would like to play!
Don't be too hurried
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