Full BGII SOA+TOB+26498_patch
BD-WeiDU 1.5
SoS-WeiDU 1.05
TDD-WeiDU 1.05
TS-BP 6.04 -> incorporates Multistronghold?
(Run Setup-GUI.exe and press U and Enter at the prompt) x4
Moinesse avatar's: Modifies some Avatars shape and coloring... Hmm
Zymisc: Some Bio Items Nerfs. Oooh yeah. It's a shame that doesn't covers TDD overpowered artifacts too
MixMod: Tougher Enemies component. Better HP, AC, THACO, and Saves. I don't want improved Ilych from Tactics flying on steroids even more, so here.
Ease of Use: Romance Fixes, Unlimited Ammo, Jewelry, Potion, and Scroll Stack. HERE?
DODefam: XP reduction. I hate caps, but this isn't. This appeals fine to me
tddautobuffscripts: A must to save time, at least from my point of view
bpsseries_scripts_v3: For thieves and sequencers, mainly
*Tactics: Overwrites IDS, so here. No kits
*Battles: Overwrites IDS, so here. No Firkagg, no kits
Solaufein: If i'd place it before Tactics, Tactics would uninstall it first anyway, so here
SuperFirkagg: Doesn't overwrites, so here
apack: Appends IDS, so here
Planar Sphere_2.2: Appends IDS, so here
Deeper SOA_2.2: Appends IDS, so here
Ajoc_1.6: Appends IDS, so here
Banter Packs v6: NO banter accelerator
Market Prices: Quest. Seems to no overwrite anything, so here
UB14: All except kits and Suna-Seni's. I guess Weidu ninjas won't fail me here
Mazzy_the_paladin: Ninja on sight!
TBQuestPack: Largue scale battle and underdark liche. This Ninja is everywhere
DOQuest Pack: All except bosses boost. Another Weidu Ninja fellow
Divine Remix: All except not compatible components, if any. Weidu Ninjas... but, HERE?
G3 Tweaks15: Almost all. No kits nor worldmap fixes, thought. Their Ninjas authors stated in the readme to install it as late as posible, so here
Refinements3.02: HLA's, shapefiting, armor revisions, robes for monks. "
TBTweak: Improved difficulty system, faster romances. Ninjas don't rest.
World map v5
Fixes for TDD, SOS, and TS
*: Which first?
**: Where should i place Ashes of Embers? And Improved Asylum?
**: I have discarded Desecration of Souls for poor Weidu coding. I see too much overwriting there, even for the first places. I find it very risky for a huge modded installation.