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Based on readmes/forums instructions and general perusing of tp2's, i have elaborated a large ordered list of mods which i'like to install. Please check it out below and tell me of any incompatibility issues or tips advices i would need to take into account:

Full BGII SOA+TOB+26498_patch

BD-WeiDU 1.5
SoS-WeiDU 1.05
TDD-WeiDU 1.05
TS-BP 6.04 -> incorporates Multistronghold?
(Run Setup-GUI.exe and press U and Enter at the prompt) x4

Moinesse avatar's: Modifies some Avatars shape and coloring... Hmm
Zymisc: Some Bio Items Nerfs. Oooh yeah. It's a shame that doesn't covers TDD overpowered artifacts too
MixMod: Tougher Enemies component. Better HP, AC, THACO, and Saves. I don't want improved Ilych from Tactics flying on steroids even more, so here.
Ease of Use: Romance Fixes, Unlimited Ammo, Jewelry, Potion, and Scroll Stack. HERE?
DODefam: XP reduction. I hate caps, but this isn't. This appeals fine to me

tddautobuffscripts: A must to save time, at least from my point of view
bpsseries_scripts_v3: For thieves and sequencers, mainly
*Tactics: Overwrites IDS, so here. No kits
*Battles: Overwrites IDS, so here. No Firkagg, no kits
Solaufein: If i'd place it before Tactics, Tactics would uninstall it first anyway, so here
SuperFirkagg: Doesn't overwrites, so here
apack: Appends IDS, so here
Planar Sphere_2.2: Appends IDS, so here
Deeper SOA_2.2: Appends IDS, so here
Ajoc_1.6: Appends IDS, so here
Banter Packs v6: NO banter accelerator
Market Prices: Quest. Seems to no overwrite anything, so here wink.gif
UB14: All except kits and Suna-Seni's. I guess Weidu ninjas won't fail me here
Mazzy_the_paladin: Ninja on sight!
TBQuestPack: Largue scale battle and underdark liche. This Ninja is everywhere
DOQuest Pack: All except bosses boost. Another Weidu Ninja fellow
Divine Remix: All except not compatible components, if any. Weidu Ninjas... but, HERE?
G3 Tweaks15: Almost all. No kits nor worldmap fixes, thought. Their Ninjas authors stated in the readme to install it as late as posible, so here
Refinements3.02: HLA's, shapefiting, armor revisions, robes for monks. "
TBTweak: Improved difficulty system, faster romances. Ninjas don't rest.

World map v5
Fixes for TDD, SOS, and TS

*: Which first?
**: Where should i place Ashes of Embers? And Improved Asylum?
**: I have discarded Desecration of Souls for poor Weidu coding. I see too much overwriting there, even for the first places. I find it very risky for a huge modded installation.
yr list looks pretty solid there, SirLancelot. my suggestions: you probably don't need the TDD autobuff scripts *and* the BP Series - seeing as how i incorporated the TDD autobuff scripts into the BP Series. just press HotKey B for buffing, and away you go...

i haven't looked at their code for several years (hey, i always have BP installed!), but i'd be suss abot any of the older IDS-overwriting mods, such as Tactics or Tougher Battles, as the new weiduised versions of TDD, SOS, etc, use KD's Detectable Stats (ie, revised IDS files). i'd recommend, after you've done the uninstall-GUI step, to make a backup of yr IDS files (at least, the ones overwritten by the older mods), and then, after you've installed them, swapping yr original IDS files back into yr override folder (or, if everything has been biffed after the GUI-step, simply removing any IDS files you find in yr override folder after installing these mods).

multiple strongholds will generally work with this install - i usually have it installed, and the only trouble i've ever had was with the cleric stronghold, so if you want to be careful, comment out this part from the Ease-of-Use tp2.

Desecration of Souls 2.5 (weidufied by SirBillyBob) will work fine with this install, should you wish to use it.

good luck and enjoy!
" haven't looked at their code for several years (hey, i always have BP installed!), but i'd be suss abot any of the older IDS-overwriting mods, such as Tactics or Tougher Battles, as the new weiduised versions of TDD, SOS, etc, use KD's Detectable Stats (ie, revised IDS files). i'd recommend, after you've done the uninstall-GUI step, to make a backup of yr IDS files (at least, the ones overwritten by the older mods), and then, after you've installed them, swapping yr original IDS files back into yr override folder (or, if everything has been biffed after the GUI-step, simply removing any IDS files you find in yr override folder after installing these mods)."

Currently I have a BP161G installation to test spanish translation and Horred AI new experiments, but i want to test the TDD,TS, and SOS Weidu incarnations as well. After all, I'm gonna translate them too, so i'd like to check how they work with a huge modded installation as soon as possible. Of course, i will also take a break and enjoy a bit meanwhile smile.gif

Coming back to the quote, i wonder how Tactics and Battles will react with KD IDS, i'm quite intrigated. I guess they'll work better than ever o not at all. I don't know really, but i appreciate your advice, backups are the only way to avoid instant death, really biggrin.gif

Where could i find DoS 2.5? I didn't realize that there was an improved version since 2.1. sad.gif
BTW, i have been investigating Imp Asylum and it overwrites quite a lot, but fortunately nothing important to this installation.

TS -> make dinamically changes on the fly on AR01512
Imp Asylum -> overwrites AR01513, "1514

Hmpf. I hope this information shall help others too. smile.gif

PS: I found DoS at iegmc. Thx anyway
as a rule, the only problem you'll have with competing IDS files is that scripts belonging to a mod that uses the replaced IDS files wont work properly: many a debug request relating to 'easy' enemies on the BP forums has eventually been solved when the user concerned revealed they had installed one of the IDS over-writing mods, and so none of the BP scripts (ie, the whole game, basically) worked as intended.

most of the old mods that overwrite IDS files (including Sola, K/Z and Kelsey, off the top of my head) did so either because they used actions present in TOB but not SOA, or because the IDS files they were replacing were broken. KD's work obviously isn't broken wink.gif, and equally obviously is based on TOB, so Tactics, Tougher Battles, Sola, K/Z, Kelsey, etc, should all work fine with it.

one of the consequences of moving to weidu-patching mods instead of weidu-overwriting mods is that many of those old, previously 'stable' mods - such as Tactics, Tougher Battles, Sola, Kelsey, the older DoS, etc, are now 'broken' - unless you specify, as G3 Tweaks does, that the weidu-patchers are installed last. not really feasible when one of those weidu-patching mods is now baldurdash, which has to go first....

i've never used the Improved Asylum: BP makes heavy alterations to the Asylum as well, so the Imp Asylum is not compatible with it.
I think it's time for the "resurrections" to move on from IAP to older WeidU mods...
Moinesse Avatars generally do not modify coloring. They simply make the avatars look different, such as giving female avatars long hair, or split skirts, or giving a barbarian avatar long hair and a hair-band. You will still have to chose colors yourself. The only exception I can think of are monks ---> ninjas avatars.
Thx sean, the information you provide me is quite useful. However, i don't see why the Liche component of Improved Asylum should not be compatible. It's just an EXTEND_TOP action.

"multiple strongholds will generally work with this install - i usually have it installed, and the only trouble i've ever had was with the cleric stronghold, so if you want to be careful, comment out this part from the Ease-of-Use tp2."

So i assume it's part of TS features, isn't?

"Moinesse Avatars generally do not modify coloring. They simply make the avatars look different, such as giving female avatars long hair, or split skirts, or giving a barbarian avatar long hair and a hair-band. You will still have to chose colors yourself. The only exception I can think of are monks ---> ninjas avatars"

Ninjas are the best crafted, suited and fitted into the game, while barbarians looks like fighters beggars, a bit croppy, weird, and somewhat out of place. I haven't saw Vampires avatars yet.
Anyway, i think that all the changes are generally well made and bring new life to the raw, original, BG2 animations. The overall
Matter of taste. Barbarian avatars are my favs from the lot actually. I love how they look. smile.gif
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