Brave Sir Garrick
Jan 16 2006, 05:38 PM
I received an email from Wizards of the Coast requesting that I remove the mod because apparently, since it takes materials directly from the sourcebooks it is infringing on copyrights somehow. I am sorry about all of the ruckus, but at the same time I would rather not get into a legal argument over something so trivial.
Jan 16 2006, 06:19 PM
What kind of materials did it take?
Jan 16 2006, 06:54 PM
I moved the thread here, and deleted the Dungeon's Crawler forum by Sir Garrick's request.
Jan 16 2006, 07:39 PM
Oh, those are worrysome news.
Brave Sir Garrick
Jan 16 2006, 08:25 PM
I emailed them back to see what exactly was the problem, my guess it was the kits and their abilities as I said to Baronius. Since what I copied was an almost exact replica to the kits in a sense. Maybe I'll get a more detailed explanation in the next email. At the same time I wondered if it was a spoofed email sent by a demented forum member or someone else. It was from a address though, I'll keep everyone informed and see if I can find what it was that they did not like. I also wondered how they found out about it so quickly, some companies have people check the internet for such things but that is another reason why I thought it may be a prank. I am really sorry about this, especially to those that were interested it what my mod was going to become.
Jan 17 2006, 09:41 AM
The address means nothing, it can be forged by anyone familiar with emails.
Jan 17 2006, 07:14 PM
You got copyright problems because you implemented AD&D rules?
That sounds weird.
Jan 17 2006, 10:27 PM
You got copyright problems because you implemented AD&D rules?
They weren't AD&D rules; they came from copyrighted 3(.5) edition materials. AD&D is 2nd edition, and is (to my knowledge) not copyrighted to the extent of 3rd edition or 3.5th edition.
Brave Sir Garrick
Jan 18 2006, 12:25 PM
Oh, no. I took the materials from the 2nd Edition books. I assumed that 2nd Edition was not well protected anymore as well, since it is free now. But I guess there are technical things at work here or as I said, it is a poor prank. If I do not get a response by tomorrow I'm just going to "assume" it was a prank and repost the mod.
Jan 18 2006, 01:08 PM
2nd edition?
That would imply that any mod that uses descriptions, etc. from the pnp game is illegal
Jan 18 2006, 05:09 PM
I can't tell anything sure, but I assume that the email was just a bad joke of someone. (I - and a few others - know of a member of IE modding community who once did something similar (pretended to be a corporation's representative), I do hope this is not his/her trick again.)
Jan 18 2006, 06:33 PM
Who would do such a despicable thing?
Jan 18 2006, 06:41 PM
I'm not sure if you're asking for the name, in case you do (or anyone else plans to do so): the name is not important. Everyone knows him/her and is an active modder, so it would make no sense to name him/her, or to tell the details of the affair. It was an individual case, it was solved eventually, and it happened comparatively long ago, so it would do no good to anyone if the case became public. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it. (Well, at least now it is known that such a case happened in the IE modding community in the near past.)
This issue might not have to do anything with him/her, it is just an assumption.
Let's hope Sir Garrick's promising mod doesn't have to become unavailable for the players.
Jan 19 2006, 10:58 AM
Especially as it would have dire implications for numerous other mods.
Jan 19 2006, 11:19 AM
QUOTE(Baronius @ Jan 18 2006, 06:41 PM)
I'm not sure if you're asking for the name, in case you do (or anyone else plans to do so): the name is not important.
Well, many people know this person, but I'm no sure, that he would agree, that his name is not important.
Jan 20 2006, 09:07 AM
QUOTE(NiGHTMARE @ Jan 19 2006, 10:58 AM)
Especially as it would have dire implications for numerous other mods.
I'm not sure who Baronius is referring to, but I hope the request for removal was a fake, since a large proportion of my work is inspired by canon source materials.
Jan 20 2006, 05:49 PM
Sir Garrick doesn't seem to be willing to show the email to me, it is a private email addressed to him so this is okay, it is not a problem to me at all. It would be good just because I can guess from the email header if it's indeed from WotC or not, which could cease (or confirm?) everyone's worries.
Nonetheless, BWL is ready to continue supporting Sir Garrick's mod.
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