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Full Version: I found a bug! A good bug for me though!
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight
The magical plate armour in the friendly arm inn (the one carried by that traitor guy on the top floor, +3, has some electrical protection, can't remember the name) can be worn by my fighter sensai. Obviously with the class restrictions I shouldn't be able to, I didn't come across any other items in this mod that violated their class restrictions. Help me with the last battle so I'm not complaining. Hehe.

Good mod, enjoyed how the conflicts were quite large scale over the map. I'm looking for to the secound episode but I don't understand how it'll work if it takes place before the first one?!?!?! blink.gif
I will correct this bug, thanks a lot for reporting it!

About Episode II: I was inaccurate when I wrote that it would take place before Episode I in time. This is true, but I could also say: its story is simultaneous (or even the opposite is possible: it takes place after Ep 1.) This is because it introduces another part of the Clan, from an other aspect. The cronological order of the two episodes is not determined accurately, but it won't kill any RPG feeling (i.e. you won't feel that you're not playing continuously in time while advancing in the Grey Clan episodes). Maybe during the development of Ep2, I will determine some order after all if it is required.

To sum up, Episode I and II won't be connected directly. They introduce the Grey Clan to you, but the story will reach its culmination in Episode III.
The arch druid club, IIRC came from on of your characters so I'm not sure if it's yours or not, says it can be used by druids and rangers, but neither Jaheria or Minsc can use it.
It can be used only by druids, at least this is what I wanted, but maybe its description is wrong.
Maybe it can be used by single-class characters only, I will fix this so Jaheira will also be able to use it. I don't have time to check the file now, but I will definitely fix it in the next release. Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Noticed this problem too with the club of the Archdruid 2. Glad to see you're aware of it. biggrin.gif
I checked with Dltcp(?) and it showed any alignment and ranger, ranger/cleric, druid, druid/fighter and any race could use it, but Jaheria or Minsc still couldn't use it, no reason they couldn't use it, so I set it to no restrictions, and now she can use it, but then so can everyone else.
Will have to try tightening it up now see what was preventing J. or M. from using it.
Jaheira and Minsc could use it when I was testing the mod's Baldur's Gate edition, but I'm not sure about BG1Tutu. Most likely it has a BG2-specific reason, I'll check it when I have time.
However, if you manage to find the problem, I'll certainly mention you in the Credits of the next release. smile.gif
I seem to have found the bug, had to add usability to 'baseclass' don't know why but everytime I uncheck it they can't use it, and checked they can use it.
I also made a few changes,
removed evil and assassin, rangers and druids can't be evil so no need for it, not sure why assassin was checked.
Added totemic druid, shapeshifter druid, beast/avenger druid, archer (aren't they a subclass of ranger?) , and elf, (IIRC they can also be rangers) and now I don't remember if *you* had the stalker and beastmaster checked or not, but they are now. unsure.gif

Jaheira and Minsc can now use it, and my Cavilier, Imoen (bounty hunter), Indira(Half elf F/M) and Dynaheir cannot use it.
That is the problem, baseclass should have been checked. Thanks!
I'll keep Evil checked as an alignment for usability, so players with hacked/edited characters will not complain that they can't use an item of my mod. biggrin.gif
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