This Mod is developed by aigleborgne and is specifically designed for TuTu.
Work on it started at the beginning of November 2005 and has proceeded at high speed. For a month, this Mod has been discussed here under the name Improved Creatures:
but I thought that it might have better visibility by being hosted here at Black Wyrm (thanks Baronius) and by having its own forum. I also thought of changing name to "Enhanced Creatures" to avoid confusion with a pre-existing Mod.
Aigleborgne welcomes my suggestion and so here we are.
The goal of the Mod is to enhance TuTu's challenge by dramatically increase creatures' AI and rebalance their powers according to their level.
The author will pay a visit from time to time to read about bug reports, get feedback and give support but since he's very busy with his work we can't expect this to happen very often.
A Beta release is scheduled for Jenuary 2006.
* New, smart scripts have been written in order to provide realistic and engaging encounters without ever introducing any kind of "cheat" from enemies.
* New, innovative experience points table earned in Combat which better suits the new challenges.
* New equipment and spells for arcane and divine users. They will now use scrolls, potions, wands and everything else a normal Player uses in the game. They no longer keep items in the Quick Item slots meaning to be kind presents for you after their deaths.
* Implementation of shouts to prevent cheesy tactics and improve realism.
* Fiends will regain HP when the party rests and will also replenish their spells.
* Reworked ACs, Thac0s, Saving Throws, Resistances and Proficiencies for many, many creatures in order to make them closer to their P&P incarnations. At the same time, various corrections have been implemented to eliminate inconsistencies.
* Creatures will now have their maximum legal HPs (this is already true for many of them) and magic users will fight with some protective spells already buffered on themselves, like it is logical to expect. They will now chase their enemies and use a smarter targeting system.
* WeiDU format should guarantee compatibility with other Mods, although unfortunately this Mod won't benefit their creatures or NPCs.
- Westley Weimer, for WeiDU and for being an inspiration with his Tactics Mod
- Blackwyrn, for hosting this Mod
- Pocketplane Forum, for suggestions, contributions and help with scripting
- Japheth&The Tutufix team, for TuTu
- Echon, for his innovative FotD
- Cirerrek, for his BG2 Spell Detection
- aVenger, for his aTraits (a modified version is present in this Mod)