Nov 26 2005, 04:40 PM
I've uploaded a few areas i did in 3ds max and provided a download below the previews that contain all necessary files to get you going...you just have to set the enter and exit info, some contain working doors, some contain animations. Feel free to use these however you see fit for MODS. I just ask for a little recognition somewhere within a readme if ones provided. More will be uploaded. reply to bugs and or anything else about em' here, please don't post in the header forum section as I'm using it just for previews and downloads.
Nov 26 2005, 10:18 PM
nice work real nice. what version of max are you using?
Nov 26 2005, 10:38 PM
3DS max 4. (old I know but can't afford an upgrade

glad you like
more to come
Nov 26 2005, 10:54 PM
heh reminds me of when I was learning the drums my teacher said that you (I) did not need a huge drum kit (many peices) to make them sound good.
to say that I like them is a bit of an understatament.
good to see you around again.
Aug 4 2006, 12:45 AM
they are all so dark... And I notice you didn't do Daytime/nighttime lightmaps for the outdoor one.
May 10 2007, 01:02 AM
*lightly pokes forum with dagger*
WoRm isn't active anymore, is he? Just to be sure, is it still alright to use one of his areas?
*eyes ARWM05* I wants it, I do.
May 10 2007, 01:17 AM
He hasn't been active for a long time... but I'm sure he still doesn't mind if the areas are used as long as the source is mentioned. Feel free to use ARWM05, Amazor'dra.
May 10 2007, 05:51 AM
That's great to hear.

I am working on a small quest mod now, and will possibly be using more than one dungeon area - with all credit to The Worm, naming him on the website and in the readme.
Not all the writing has been done yet, so I can't say about the scope - but I'm sure it is all right if more than one mod uses these areas - they are just *too* good not to be used. When it is released, I'll post here about which materials we used.
May 10 2007, 07:51 AM
Excellent news! The Worm does indeed have very nifty stuff, here... I really like the Hamatula import. Too bad I have no real use for it.
*snatches both ARWM05 and Amel, instead*
May 10 2007, 07:57 AM
Where can one see/download these new areas? Any links?
May 10 2007, 08:47 AM
You can see them in this very forum:
http://forums.blackwyrmlair.net/index.php?showtopic=1004And very nice areas these are, too. (Me, I count myself very lucky that WoRm allowed them for free use in mods).
May 10 2007, 03:20 PM
Thank you.
May 10 2007, 04:00 PM
QUOTE(WizWom @ Aug 4 2006, 05:15 AM)

I notice you didn't do Daytime/nighttime lightmaps for the outdoor one.
Is this true? And if yes, what's the consequences? Does it just mean that the area will always look the same (always night) regardless of whether it is daytime or night or is it more serious than that? The outdoor one is awesome. It's a pity if it has problems.
May 10 2007, 07:11 PM
Does it just mean that the area will always look the same
Lightmap is the thing that change character's colour when he stands at the certain point (for example - shadow under building's wall). So, it's usually good for day<->night areas to get two different lightmaps.
May 10 2007, 07:26 PM
It´s totally normal, that areas which have both day and night .TIS and .WED files, have two lightmaps. For day area lightmap has suffix LM at the end of the filename, and night area lightmap has LN. Simple.
May 10 2007, 07:56 PM
Just to make a point, night maps (of any sort) are wasted on indoor and wilderness area's.
Night maps should only be used when for example you have a village street with lights that are only lit after dark. During the day no light will be cast on passers by, however at night a passerby will be lit by the light from the streetlight if there is a light area for that on a lightmap.
A nightmap of the area bitmap itself would be to make the area surrounding the streetlight on the map brighter as lightmaps only effect creatures and not the map itself.
Note: yes nightmaps for wilderness area's with some lightsource at night are not wasted!
May 13 2007, 01:57 AM
Good stuff to know, Rabain, it'll make my own area creating much easier, since I am planning on working on a woodland village full of undead sometime in the future.
May 14 2007, 01:14 PM
Just a note: we're using Areas 1,2,6 and 5. All renamed with my personal prefix for compatibility reasons(and, of course, credited properly in the release documentation).
May 14 2007, 07:02 PM
Even area 05? But, but, but! What mod is this for, Kulyok? Going to need to make a notation in Neht's read-me if we're going to be using the same areas, even if they're named differently.
<-- kept the original names WoRm had for his area 05.
May 15 2007, 06:58 AM
It's a quest mod I am doing with someone else: I don't want to give out the details, in case it doesn't work out. (In case it doesn't, I am still making it on my own, but I won't be including certain characters - the plot will be a little different). It's going to be fun, promise.
I've renamed it ARO#05, as I said - O# is my personal prefix, so nobody else is going to use it, and we are not going to run into incompatibilities. People will be able to play Kulyok's mod and Amazor'dra's mod at the same time, so don't worry.
Sep 9 2007, 01:42 PM
Aaaand - here it is, with sparks and bangs and proper credits:
http://www.pocketplane.net/dcMany thanks for creating these graphics!
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