Oct 7 2005, 05:00 AM
I realize there is a fix to remove the fog of war from the city maps in Planescape: Torment, but I'd really like to remove the fog of war from every map in the game.
I'm currently working on a project that requires me to screenshot an image of the full map to every location in the game, so I'm really in need of a way to do this. There apparently isn't any sort of ExploreArea() console cheat in PS:T, so any help on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
Oct 7 2005, 05:05 AM
sorry I do not know the answer. but I am wondering why you would need to take screenshots?
can you use DLTCEP and edit the WED file to remove the fog of war? change the 0 to 1 or vise versa.
Oct 7 2005, 07:24 AM
Why don't you simply save a bmp from every mos?
DLTCEP can do that
Oct 7 2005, 07:51 PM
Thanks for the help guys!
Any chance you could give me a really brief tutorial on how to do this?
Oct 8 2005, 09:34 PM
1. setup/start dltcep
2. start the mos editor: edit/mos
3. load the mos file you want to export
4. save mos as: (select bmp filetype)
5. repeat from 3
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