Starting the WED file:
By following the TUT. this is prety straight foward Yovaneth did a much better job at writing this tutorial IMO than the one for IETME
The Search Map:
I had to do a bunch of excevicive left clicking before I found the trick and the eye strain seeing all the 0's was a bit difficult to deal with at first. but overall it has its perks and it is fairly easy to do.
The Light Map:
"Those who are watching closely will have spotted a change between image 3 and image 10 - image 10 has gained shadows from the pillars."
I think that is supposed to be Image 5 and image 12
well My first impression of the light map was there is no way that I was going to ever atempt to do this BUT DLTCEP has a good way of being able to change to the color you want by the Edit Pallete button (I have my image open in psp and use my dropper to find out the color I want)
The Search Map: very nice
Wallgroups: once I got used to the polygons it was not much different than IETME. only one big problem the shaking of the screen every time I click a for a new vertex it would shake causing more eye strain. This is probably do to DLTCEP keeping the vertex centered on the screen.
The 2da Master Area file and beyond: skiped for now.
From what I have done with this tut. on DLTCEP, I will now be using DLTCEP. A big thanks to Avenger for making (and his continued support for) DLTCEP and Yovaneth for making it useable to me.
this was the area basics more to come later.