Sep 15 2005, 08:03 PM
Has anyone ever noticed if you give a thief 8 Dex (which is min.). in bg1 that his thieving abilities are the same as a thief with either 13,14, or 15 dex. but higher than a thief with either 9,10,11, or 12
is this a bug in bg or some odd D&D rule. probably a bug, but has anyone seen this?
Before anyone wonders...yes it is a legal version 5 disk +TotSC, w/the patch, and no mods
Sep 15 2005, 11:50 PM
I am guessing the error comes from an incomplete .2da file that gives bonuses/penalties to thieving skills to characters based on their DEX. Since the game doesn't allow you to become a thief unless you have 9 or more points in DEX, Bioware decided to ignore everything below 9 DEX.
That is only my guess.
Sep 16 2005, 12:31 AM
well that is weird I just read over my post and thought it was odd that you said 9 dex I have no idea how I got it to 8, I tried again just now to see if I could and I can only go to 9
the damn thing is I was making a table based on the differences on dex and now the table is off
Grrr just tried one more time. I was using an elf as a CH the first time the second was a human and then I just tried an elf again and you can get to dex 8 with a elf thief. plus there must be racial traits involved too because the elf and human dex bonuses are different.
Sep 16 2005, 11:13 AM
So it probably has something to do with race requirements. But it shouldn't be possible for an elf in the original unmodded files to have 8 DEX, especially being a thief, since the required DEX is 9.
Did you have any mod installed when you tried this one?
Sep 16 2005, 11:54 AM
Before anyone wonders...yes it is a legal version 5 disk +TotSC, w/the patch, and no mods
I just wondered if anyone starting a new bg1 game could conferm this, or has seen this before. I just found it odd.
Sep 16 2005, 11:59 AM
I cannot confirm this right now, since my Harddisk has no space for BG1 install, but I'll remember to check it if I isntall it.
BTW, I ordered Baldur's Gate the Original Saga from Amazon (Not that I didn't have the game+Tosc already, but It will probably have collector's value in the future). It costs about 9.70$ with postal expenses.
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