Sorry to all you modders that had waited patiently for any replies from me. I had a some very sensitive personal family issues to contend with and my computer/hobby time was seriously cut back.
but thats no more and I have already started back to work on the updated creatures and will be a more productive worm
unless my computer blows up....
*Thanks for the support and I hope you all can understand the reasons behind my delay*
Sep 14 2005, 05:48 AM
Glad to hear all is Now well
Sep 14 2005, 07:27 AM
Sure thing pal, life comes first, as always. But since you are back, I'm waiting for those upcoming animations to become available at last .
Sep 14 2005, 06:31 PM
Sorry to hear RL was painful, but glad you're back. Hang in there mate.
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