The Gibberlings Three

Version 4 of the Crossmod Banter Pack has been released. Version 4 includes a new component 'Crossmod Romance Conflicts'. In this release it provides automatic romance autokills between various mod NPCs (Arnel's Nalia Romance, Chloe, Corthala Romantique, Fade, Kelsey, Lord Mirrabbo's Imoen Romance, Saerileth, Sime from Tortured Souls, Tashia, Tsujatha and Weimer's Solaufein). This means no more dual-romancing e.g. A serious Kelsey romance will now kill a non-serious Chloe romance. If you do want dual-romancing however, just don't install this component.The Crossmod Banter Pack is a collaborative effort by mod NPC authors to write banters between mod NPCs. Current NPCs who have new banters with the Crossmod Banter Pack include Alassa, Fade, Goo, Hubelpot, Kido, Kindrek, Kivan of Shilmista, Saerileth, Solaufein, Tsujatha, and Yasraena.

NB: I would recommend that the authors of the aforementioned romance mods remove any romance killing scripts from their mods and suggest the user installs this new component instead as it will provide the appropriate romance killing scripts for the user's install. This is just a suggestion however.

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