Aug 24 2005, 03:50 PM
we know bg has a certain angle, right? my question is how could i go about doing this. for example i want to make this car in the bg angle:

heres an example angle:
Aug 24 2005, 05:26 PM
there is only 2 ways that I can think of one is with 2d the other is 3d. the 2d ps, ph, the gimp you would have to change the perspective, skew, and maybe streach it a bit. it will never look right because you can not see the top of it real well.
in 3d you would have to model it and textury it (build it from scrach). it will look much better but it is much more difficult. there might be another wayto get something but it might not look very good either.
so basicaly you can not rotate a 2d pic on a 3d plane.
were you going to put in a car in bg? I would suggest that you find a better angle on whatever it is you wanted.
Aug 24 2005, 06:43 PM
well not that exact car, but i wanted to make a mod to go to present day... probobly not going to happen bbut just a thought.
thanks for your quick reply sk
Sep 11 2005, 10:10 AM
...well not that exact car, but i wanted to make a mod to go to present day... probobly not going to happen bbut just a thought.
I want it too.

Try to convert/extract areas and images/objects from Arcanum and Fallout series. There are several nice editors at TeamX which allow to do so.