NPC Preview: Salomeya Orcini (Portrait by Amok, from his Song of Ice and Fire Galleries (Val) with some recoloring)
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Salomeya Orcini – half-elf, from Fort Unity
STR:10 DEX:16 CON:12 INT:17 WIS:14 CHR:17 Neutral Evil, Jester
Special: Has backstabbing ability and a special item: garotte, that allows her to backstabb like a thief
Biography # 1: Her Starting Biography, it expands and changes as you learn more about the NPC:
~Salomeya Orcini hails from Fort Unity, where an elven mother raised her. Her father, as is evident from her race, was a human, and by all signs, absent in her life. She is a traveling minstrel and came to Kio in the search of employ. There, her art brought her to the court of Count Elyss Du Meron. She does not make a secret out of her status as Count Elyss' mistress on the bord of the "Unyelding".~
Banter Examples - these are all drafts, comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, of course:
// With Jaemal:
~(Salomeya is tuning her lute. The soft sounds fold themselves into a sad tune, and Salomeya begin to sing, sotto voice.)~
= ~In Sylethia, there stands a hill
silver with blooms in the spring
There dance the sprites
And the fallen mighty
When the stars sing.~
== P#JAEMB ~This is not your usual fare, minstrel.~
== P#SALOB ~You, an aficionado of my art? In this case, I will have you know that I sing everything written for a woman’s voice, not just my own compositions.~
== P#JAEMB ~I look forward to hearing more of your borrowed repertoire, Salomeya. ~
== P#SALOB ~I would not count on that to happen in the near future: I do not like repeating myself, and there are preciously little songs that were meant for a troubadour in skirts.~
== P#JAEMB ~Yes, I have noticed, that women are rare in the profession. The trials of the road, I presume.~
== P#SALOB ~Stupidity. I am not inclined to talk of women’s vices first thing in the morning, Jaemal. Not with a eunuch at any rate.~
= ~(She tilts her head to her lute and resumes singing.~
= ~In Sylethia there stands a hill
There come the widows
When love is too much to bear
To dance in the arms of the dead
When the stars sing.~
= ~In Sylethia there stands a hill
Where my beloved would be
Shall I put on my bridal wreath
To wed into shadows in the spring
When the stars sing.~
== P#JAEMB ~Does this hill exist, Salomeya?~
== P#SALOB ~Oh, I don’t doubt that there is some sacred knoll, with a few tufts of grass, and a couple of goats, in Sylethia. Songs lie less often about things, than about feelings. This, at least, is honest - another reason why I sing it. What woman would want to pass into the darkness for love?~
== P#JAEMB ~Love, Salomeya, could guide a person through the darkest places. ~
== P#SALOB ~That's enough platitudes for one morning, eunuch, and my lute is tuned. (Cases her instrument). ~
== P#JAEMB ~Remarkably, it is not the instrument that sounds false, when you sing about love, honor or beauty; it is the singer.~
== P#SALOB ~ (Laughs)~
//With Hildury:
== P#SALOB ~Can you drop the visor of your helmet, ogre? ~
== P#HILDB ~Salomeya, don't you be seeing that I be a half-orc, not an ogre?~
== P#SALOB ~This is exactly why I asked you to close your visor - I don't want to see *what* you are...~
== P#HILDB ~Your people has suffered many grievances from my kin. I be different though - you need not fear me, Salomeya. ~
== P#SALOB ~Don't flatter yourself: I don't give a fig about historical connections, ogre. I despise you without prejudice, so to speak, because you are a blight on everything I cherish about the womanhood: ugly, ungainly and painfully slow of wit.~
== P#HILDB ~Don't you think I not be wishing to be slender and graceful like you?~
== P#SALOB ~Does a duck dream of becoming a swallow?~
== P#HILDB ~Swallow? No, not a swallow, but I do wish to be what you are, only with more of purity.~
== P#SALOB ~Phew, must you have spoiled everything with this last? Only a princess of blood on her wedding night wishes for purity, and that belatedly.~
== P#HILDB ~Because it be a woman of quality, who’d be deserving of a great man.~
== P#SALOB ~Oh, fool....~
= ~Wait! Oh, no! Oh, yes! It *must* be it! (Laughs delightedly) This is just too rich: the ogre is in love with her chaste knight!~
== P#HILDB ~You be -~
== P#SALOB ~Right, of course!~
== P#HILDB ~Please, do not-~
== P#SALOB ~Tell him? Of course not, Hildury, at least not until this drama needs a new twist to remain entertaining. ~
//With Laofeng:
== P#SALOB ~We have heard oh! so much about your 'gift' and your passion, Laofeng, and yet, you have never taken a second look at my lute.
== P#LAOFB ~(Shrugs) I've thrown glances aplenty your way instead, Mistress. I've my uhm... priorities.
== P#SALOB ~Ah, a curse of being beautiful...
== P#LAOFB ~Er... dangerous is more like it. I'm into beauty of a lasting kind, if you know what I mean.
== P#SALOB ~Yes, of course. The antiques, like my lute. It's Stadris' work, six hundred years old, and it is as magnificent as the day it was made. And, unlike women, only growing more expensive with age.
== P#LAOFB ~Nay, yon lute is a tad younger than that. By uhm... five hundred and ninety five years or so.
== P#SALOB ~What?
== P#LAOFB ~It's a fake, Salomeya. A good one, mind, but still a fake.
== P#SALOB ~Your.... talent told you this? The bells aren't ringing or some such nonsense?
== P#LAOFB ~Nay, my talent is only with jewelry, Salomeya. It's one man on a million who could er... divvy all stuff. Most of us are just uhm... one or two things. Like furniture or paintings or jewelry. I'm a divvy with jewelry.
== P#SALOB ~Then why-
== P#LAOFB ~Lacquer, Salomeya. Every master has his own lacquer. Yon lute was in hue like the honey of the mountain bees a couple of years back, but now, look, it starts darkening at the seams, uhm… here and here. 'Cause they aged it, trying to get patina right... and did not know Stradis' lacquer recipe. Every master has one, and Stradis took his to his grave. Oh, and the mother-of-pearl inlays, here and here - it's from the Southern Seas. Stadris only ever used Northern mother-of-pearl, it's not so rich, but he liked it more.
== P#SALOB ~You must have a truly exciting life, shorty, to remember things of that kind.
== P#LAOFB ~Uhm... these are the signs that an amateur could see. Plus, there is also what only a professional like me would know.
== P#SALOB ~Pray tell, I am dying of curiosity... (yawns)
== P#LAOFB ~I know the fellow who makes 'em, Stradis lutes, un' or two a year. Uhm... A good, solid work. But not worth what you paid for it, Salomeya. Next time, hire uhm... someone like me to find you the real Stadris, and don’t waste your coin.
== P#SALOB ~Did I say that it was me, who paid for it? Phew, shorty, next time I'd take an offence for such a vulgar assumption.
== P#LAOFB ~S-sorry, Mistress.