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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate II > Inactive and waiting projects > Reign of the Masque
as above...
Knowing EGM, he will make a sudden re-appearance within a few months.

Good to know!

I contacted Gaelle more than a month ago (or earlier), and she said that egm would soon contact me. Then I saw egm, 2 or 3 times appearing on the forum for a few minutes, but no email PM or anything...French kind of contact is quite is special it seems... smile.gif (but certainly it's no doubt that Reign of the Masque will be supported by BWL regardless if egm shows up or no, I mean that we will provide (and reserve) the space, forum etc. everything for that very promising TC, regardless of everything.) biggrin.gif
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