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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Belching Dragon Tavern
BlackWyrmLair hits 800 members

Its nice timing aswell since next week (i think) is bw's first anniversary.
Indeed, the Anniversary of the Wyrm's First Flight is on 21st July.
Happy anniversary for tomorrow BW!!!

Sorry that I've been away guys, I've been busy with University exams, and now it's time for me to go on holidays. smile.gif
400 members now! smile.gif welcome all.
Next thread should be on forum member #1000 thumb.gif

Regardless of the number of members, I want to congratulate you on some other fact: This Forum is the cleanest and the most courteous list I have seen in the field of 'games'. The only comparable examples are Forums governed by some of my colleagues in the university which are concentrated on serious philosophical and social topics.

Keep on good job!
greetings to you. always nice to hear good things form people.
Sikret does have a point. Almost all of the threads here are concentrated over gaming and modding problems.
Thank you!

Yes, my point is that this Forum has a much better quality than other similar lists. The drawback of most of other forums which are concentrated on 'games' is that they contain too many pointless discussions and tactless people. This Forum seems quite different to me, for which I congratulate you.

The quality of the Forum is a much more important issue than the number of its members. You have been very successful so far. Keep on good work!
Three times huzza for the most elite forum out there!

beer.gif beer.gif beer.gif
Sikret does have a point. Almost all of the threads here are concentrated over gaming and modding problems.

BWL would welcome more 'off-topic' threads as well (such as the Favourite muscial band) in the General Discussion forum, as long as people's posts are polite and tactful towards each other. smile.gif I think that the main reason of why we're a modding-gaming forum only is our strict rules. This rejects many visitors, but this is a guideline that was set up when BWL was founded, and we will not sacrifice (any part) of this concept, because it could harm the quality (and usefullness) of the BWL forum. smile.gif

Anyway, I'm also more than happy to see that BWL has more than four hundred registered users! biggrin.gif
woot I got the 10000th post
congrats to ya'all, great forum, keep up the good work


WOOT, I got 40 posts tongue.gif
BW hits 500 today a nice milestone! smile.gif
Awesome. happy.gif . On a related note the dhdc has past 86,000 downloads!
601 as of today!!
well we have hit 700 today w00t!
not to bad for a small community smile.gif
Congrats!! biggrin.gif
Time to edit the initial post, Sir-Kill! (800 members. smile.gif )
was going to wait till 1000 but....W00t! smile.gif
Yeah, congrats, all of you, BWL
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