The original edition of Grey Clan Episode I, the Last Breath of the Past was hosted and supported by Gibberlings3. Many thanks to CamDawg for providing a forum and webspace for it, and I'm also grateful to other Gibberlings Three members for helping me while developing the original Grey Clan edition.

Grey Clan Episode I: Last Breath of the Past was my first serious mod. Thanks to the help of its contributors, it worked with BG1 TotSC, BG1Tutu and BG Trilogy either. Despite its many bugs, I received many positive comments about it. Fortunately most bugs were fixed to the last version, v1.75. However, it had several problems (too few dialogue choices, incompatibility risk and other negative effects due to a replaced area, too simple solutions, ...).

So I decided to rewrite it. The story remained the same, as well as the most of the NPCs. However, several new NPCs, quests, items etc. were added, including a brand new (but non-joinable) NPC with soundset. The plot was also changed, it is better quality, contains more events, and thus it is a bit longer than the plot of the original edition. The battles should also be more difficult.
The aforementioned game area (I won't reveal it, it would be a spoiler) that was replaced by the original edition isn't a source of possible incompatibility anymore: it will be changed only for the time of the mod's plot (but this doesn't harm the integrity of the mod in the game).
You can also finish the mod with an evil party (quests aren't reputation- or alignment-based), but if you attack a mod-critical character (any Flaming Fist Elite member), the plot will break (but there is no protagonist auto-kill, so you can still kill the soldiers and take their items). Eventually playing evil doesn't mean that it's useful to slay everyone. Don't expect too many dialogues in this way, but the looted treasure and gold will somewhat compensate this.

It isn't much longer than the Last Breath, and doesn't add any powerful effects and new animations. It offers the same: good quests, bandits slaughtering innocent commoners, Flaming Fist, difficult battles. However, its relation with Grey Clan Episode II must also be mentioned: although the two mods have different story, and they introduce different sides and people of the Clan, the background of In Candlelight and The Black Superstitions is basically the same. Black Superstitions will be a much longer and bigger mod though.

I don't support Last Breath of the Past any more. In Candlelight is meant to replace the earlier edition.