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> The Curse of Candlekeep, Fanfiction based on the BG series
post Aug 10 2008, 04:12 AM
Post #1

Retired team member
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From: U.S.A

Late one night while working on my mod, an idea to fill about one paragraph hit me. I decided to write it down before I forgot and it ballooned into this. As long as I had the prologue written, I decided I might as well post it and see if I get any more ideas to continue working on it. I don't think of myself as a good descriptive writer, but I'm trying to work on it. If you have a comment, please post it in a separate thread so this one won't get cluttered. I'm always looking to improve, so constructive criticism is very welcome.

The Curse of Candlekeep



Mid afternoon had arrived at the great library of Candlekeep. The sunlight beamed in through arched windows flooding a small room with warm light. It was a perfect day outside, but for the moment, an apparently insignificant young halfling was trapped inside seated behind a desk. He leisurely swung his legs under the desk while thinking of anything but what he was supposed to be thinking about. The voice did little to bring his mind back to reality. At least, the first voice...


This time the floor shook and the walls rattled. An odd-shaped wooden object teetered on the edge of the desk, then toppled off , clattering noisily upon the stone floor. With a start, the halfling jerked his head upwards, bringing his attention to bear on his tutor, Jacono.


"That is the end of your lesson for today," the tutor began quietly. "I do hope you have been trying to pay closer attention to your studies than it appears. Feel lucky that you are Gorion's ward, else I would have no tolerance for your kind. And for the last time, you are NOT allowed to bring your pipe into your classroom! Understood?

"Yes, sir."

"Very good. You may arise."

Nicotino slipped off his seat until his feet landed on the floor. He remained standing there for a few seconds. Outside the birds could be heard warbling and the monks were chanting Alaundo's prophecies again. Somewhere in the distance the sound of a young girl's laugh floated through the air. The tutor loudly cleared his throat.

"Nicotino, I said that you could arise."

"I DID rise!" returned Nicotino indignantly.

"Oh! My apologies. Hehehe. You may go now. Don't forget to stoop by the inn. Winthrop has something to say to you."


Nicotino trotted through the open door into Winthrop's Inn. He always wondered why Winthrop kept a fire blazing even on the warmest of days. Fortunately, he did not have to remain inside for long. This was Imoen's domain, not his. A portly man was reclining in a chair behind the counter, giving the impression that he was asleep. A few conspicuous snoring noises gave further evidence to that fact. Over against the far wall, Firebead Elvenhair, the grisled old wizard was poring over yet another tome. Other than those two, the main room of the inn was entirely empty.

Nicotino edged his way silently around the counter and crept close to Winthrop. The halfling reached for the innkeeper's arm to awaken him (he could reach no higher) and tapped firmly. One cough, a sneeze, and two snorts later, Winthrop opened his eyes and squinted at Nicotino.

"So it's only ye, young whippersnapper! What can ol' Winthrop do for ye?"

"Jacono told me that you wanted to speak with me," Nicotino explained. "Seeing your state of alertness, I gather that it must not be anything of importance. So, what is it?"

"Now ye don't be poking fun at ol' Winthrop. Yer father wishes to speak with ye. Best ye be going now."

Nicotino sighed in exasperation, "Why does everyone want to speak with me only to inform me that somebody else wants to speak with me? Nevermind. Say, you don't happen to have any more of that pipe leaf on you, do you?"

"No ye don't! Ye smoke any more of that stuff and ye'll have t' be doused. Off ye go!"

As Nicotino stepped out into the open air, he opened his hand and looked at his palm. A look of disappointment appeared on his round face.

Nuts! Is that all he had in his pocket?!

And with that thought, he popped them into his mouth and marched towards the library.


"Nicotino! How fortunate for you to pass by!"

Phlydia had appeared from nowhere just outside the door. Nicotino hated being near Phlydia for she was the only person in Candlekeep capable of holding a long conversation with him when he did not desire one. Perhaps that was because she did all the talking.

"Hello, Phlydia! I really regret that I can't stop to --" he began, hoping to avoid her.

Phlydia paid no attention to him and carried on, "Hey, have you seen my copy of The History of Halruaa anywhere? You know how I can't stand the constant shuffling of arthritic feet up in the library... So I thought I'd get a bit of fresh air just east of here and... Oh, I hate being so absent-minded! Oh! And my ring! It's missing and I know I just had to have dropped it somewhere. Please, if you find them, I really do need them back."

A grin spread across Nicotino's face. "I'm sure I can find your book, but that ring is a small thing and it's probably lost for all ages. And you know, arthritis will still bother you out here. It's not just being in the library that causes it!"


The afternoon sun scorched Nicotino's face as he wiped the sweat from his brow. Everybody at Candlekeep used him as an errand boy and nothing else. First it was Phlydia's book, then Dreppin's cow, Hull's sword, and a myriad of other odds and ends. For once, he wished that people would treat him as if he were one of them -- at least a very short one of them. But no, he had to be the little kid messenger.

Why do they have to pick someone with such short legs to do all the running?

But now, all those simple tasks were done and he stood at the entryway to the inner wall. It was time to see what Gorion wanted.

Nicotino padded under the arch and into the garden-like area surrounding the library where he was immediately pounced upon by a familiar pink-clad figure.

"Heya! It's me, Imoen! I'm surprised that stuffy ol' Gorion let you away from your studies and chores. That ol' fiddle faddle. I snuck off too. Old Puffguts Winthrop was looking for me, but I've got all day to do his chores. You have time for a story today? No, I can tell you don't. What have ya been up to?"

"I'm afraid I cannot chat today, young one. My foster-father wishes to speak to me, but I do not know why."

"Young one? I'm not much younger than you, though you sure got tall fast. Relatively, anyway. I'll bet ya it's a journey! I never get to travel. Wish I could go with ya. Yep, I really wish I could. Yessir. Really do."

"It sounds like you know more about what he wants than I do. No matter, I'll find out soon enough. As for you, you may want to avoid Phlydia for awhile. I told her you might know where her ring is. See you later...much later!"


Gorion was pacing back and forth on the library steps anxiously awaiting. Nicotino had never seen him look nervous before. Gorion wasted no time getting to the matter at hand.

"This is very unnerving, I know, but you must trust me. It is very important that we leave Candlekeep immediately. Hurry, for there is no time to tarry! The keep is well protected, but not invulnerable."

"If we are leave, I need to grab some things first," said Nicotino.

"Do you have your sling with you?"


"Good. That's all you'll need for now. All your practice on the Candlekeep windows may come in useful. We can pick up any extra equipment later. Come, we must be off."

In a daze and still unsure what was happening, Nicotino hurried to keep up with the pace of Gorion as they passed back into the main courtyard and out to the gatehouse. There they stopped for a few seconds as Gorion gave him one last piece of advice. Then they were off again out into the wilderness where the gathering dusk soon enveloped them.

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box." - Italian Proverb

"I like criticism, but it must be my way." - Mark Twain

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright
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post Aug 18 2008, 11:23 PM
Post #2

Retired team member
Posts: 490
Joined: 8-April 08
From: U.S.A

The next installment following the misadventures of everyone's favorite anti-hero has arrived! As always, comments are welcome.


The pair had been walking for nearly four hours straight since their departure. The sun had long since dropped from the sky, leaving only the scant light of the moon to fall upon their path. Amidst the shadows, Nicotino observed that they had stepped into a small clearing. The grass had all but died and the area was littered with small boulders. Perhaps it was a former campground, but whatever it was, the place did not look natural.

Gorion paused for a moment to relay the first portion of his plans. They were to make haste towards the Friendly Arm Inn with the intention of meeting a couple of his Harper associates. Nicotino had never heard of them, but if Gorion recommended them, he had no problems.

Of course, I don't even know the reason we left Candlekeep. Whatever it is, though, it's certainly no shopping trip.

Nicotino began to stride forward once again when Gorion put out his arm to stop him.

"Wait! Something is not right. We are in an ambush!"

"You're quite perceptive for an old man," a sinister deep voice responded. A giant armor-clad figure stepped out from the woods, brandishing an enormous sword in his right hand. A woman followed him, with a couple of ogres bringing up the rear. Their footfalls shook the ground as they walked. Nicotino's attention, however, was riveted by the first person. He was terrified --- literally shaking as the man towered over him --- yet fascinated at the very same time.

That sword! I want a sword like that!

"Hand over your ward and I will let you live!"

Nicotino's thoughts about the sword instantly vanished at the mention of himself. Why did this man want him? Who would want a halfling? Nobody in Candlekeep ever wanted him the least bit. Whatever the reason, he determined, it wasn't because the man was a friendly traveling troubadour. Nicotino slid his hand into his pocket, pulled out a stone and deftly fitted it into his sling.

"I would be a fool to trust your benevolence! Step aside and you and your lackeys will remain unhurt!" Gorion spat out while giving the halfling a shove backwards.

"I'm sorry you feel that old man." Upon uttering these words, the armored figure raised his sword in the air and the ogres rushed forward to the attack. Nicotino let the stone fly from his sling at the first, causing a severe welt upon the first ogre's arm. The ogre let out a deafening roar. Gorion yelled out as the man charged towards them.


Nicotino did not need to be told twice to run. So run he did, as fast as his two legs could carry him. He stumbled slightly as something struck him in the back but he managed to stay on his feet and then dive into cover. Behind him, he could hear shouts, the clash of weapons, and screams of pain. Magic illuminated the night sky time and again as Gorion loosed his fearsome arsenal of spells upon the enemy.

Nicotino did not stay to watch after the first ogre was fried. He turned and once more began to run. How much distance he coverd, he did not know, but the din behind him gradually grew less and less as he widened the distance between himself and the combatants. All signs and sounds of battle had long since ceased but he did not notice. He fled throughout the night and eventually collapsed on the ground from sheer exhaustion.


It was the next morning. Nicotino awoke to the pleasant chirping of birds. If it hadn't been for the previous night, it would have been the perfect beginning to a day. But now, Nicotino had no idea where he was. Besides this, he had virtually no equipment with which to survive and did not know anything about living in the wilderness even if he had. To exascerbate matters, he was direly lacking in provisions. As he rummaged through his nearly empty pack, he woefully regretted all those snacks he had eaten during his first few hours adventuring. He had imagined that Gorion would always be around to conjure a few chickens whenever they were hungry. Well, he was hungry now, so he began the day with a hearty breakfast to help forget his troubles. The fact that he now had no more food mattered little to him once he had had his fill.

Eating having been taken care of, Nicotino decided it was time to examine his surroundings and take stock of the situation. To his surprise, he found that he was behind a clump of bushes off to the side of the road to Candlekeep.

I must have run in circles all night!

Now that he knew his location, his first thought was to return to the battleground. If Gorion was still alive, he would still be around. But that was if he was alive. Nicotino had a feeling that he was not alive. Therefore, he decided it was best not to return -- the enemy could very well still be there. No doubt, it was best to just move on and seek aid.

Nicotino snatched his pack from the ground and, flinging it across his shoulders, began to tread along the path. Destination: Friendly Arm Inn.


"OH GOODIE GOODIE!! Together we can ALL destroy this infestation of EVIL RABBITS!!!" Chortled the madman, at the same time capering about in a little jig.

Nicotino had hardly begun jogging along the Lion's Way when he heard voices around the bend. A quick glance from behind a nearby tree revealed a strange pair standing in the middle of the road. The one was a halfling, a little taller than average -- a giant next to Nicotino. A short sword dangled from a leather strap he wore wrapped around a well-worn leather jerkin. Towering above him was a blond man dressed in long green robes. His face was painted with strange black markings which gave him a sinister, yet comical, appearance. Other than a small dagger stuck in his belt, the man was unarmed. At the moment, the two were scowling at one another, engaged in an argument, perhaps.

As he was speaking, the leather-clad halfling caught sight of Nicotino partially concealed behind the bushes. "Looks like we got a mite bit o' company, wizard," he spoke to his companion. Then, addressing Nicotino, he said, "Hello there kid. Rather strange place be to wandering, ain't it? My companion has something to say to ya."

The shorter halfling emerged from his spot and advanced towards the pair. He did not particularly like the look of these two. Still, they didn't seem openly hostile so he took the chance.

I need help and where I get it doesn't matter. I might just get some aid, who knows.

The green-clad mage popped his eyes a few times, rolled them, and then stared down at Nicotino with a disconcerting grin. "Hold Montaron, this young wayfarer is in need. Someone has set about thee, stranger, and you have barely escaped with your life."

"Aye Xzar, looks to have been roughed up quite well," grunted his companion.

"Indeed. I can offer you healing potions, if you wish, as a token of good will," continued the mage.

Nicotino looked thoughtfully at the pair. Their manner disgusted him, but free help was free help.

"I'd be grateful for any assistance."

"Nothing to fear from these simple potions, and I'll not even hold you in debt, though your conscience knows otherwise." The mage's bulging eyes seemed to bug out even more.

"Just like all good people," chimed in Montaron, attempting a smile. It looked more like a grimace of pain.

Xzar gave Montaron a scathing look, then turned back to Nicotino. "Perhaps as payment you would go with us to Nashkel. It is a troubled area and we mean to investigate some disturbing rumors surrounding the local mine. Some acquaintances are very concerned about the iron shortage. Specifically, where to lay blame in the matter. You would be useful, though I'll not hold you to it. We are to meet the mayor of the town, a man named Berrun Ghastkill, I believe."

Montaron piped up again, "Your conscience be your guide."

"There is little else I can do. It would not be safe for me to travel these roads by myself. I could accompany you as far as the crossroads, but I need to turn north towards the Friendly Arm Inn, not south."

"Excellent then! Perhaps you will change your mind by then, but for now, we shall travel together!" Xzar exclaimed.

And so, the newly formed company of three set off towards the Coast Way. A few miles down the road, Xzar suddenly shouted out, "OH GOODIE GOODIE!! Together we can ALL destroy this infestation of EVIL RABBITS!!!"

Montaron swatted the mage across the back with the flat of his sword, at the same time growling, "Rein it in, wizard! I canna stand the way your senses flit about. Could we just travel in peace?"

"Mommy, Mommy! Monty is being mean to me!!!"

Nicotino shook his head as he dropped behind the others. He had a feeling that he was in for a long, long journey.

This post has been edited by Sir_Carnifex: Aug 18 2008, 11:30 PM

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box." - Italian Proverb

"I like criticism, but it must be my way." - Mark Twain

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright
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post Sep 12 2008, 03:49 AM
Post #3

Retired team member
Posts: 490
Joined: 8-April 08
From: U.S.A

I've had this installment written for some time but I just forgot to post it. Here it is.


"What'd'ya got there, kid?"

The trio had paused just off the road for a rest. They still a couple hours of walking before they would reach the crossroads. Nicotino had managed to get his companions to reluctantly share the food in their packs. Now that they were finished with their simple fare, Xzar arose and wandered a short distance into the woods to study his spellbook. That left Montaron and Nicotino to keep each other company. Neither one paid any attention to the other until Montaron finally broke the silence with his question.

Nicotino showed Montaron his sling. A bemused look passed over Montaron's face for a split second before he continued,
"Toss that pansy thing away. If yer gonna be travelin' wit us, ye best learn how to fight with a real weapon. Least ye might be able to survive fer a few seconds. Don't ye tell me that ye ain't got another weapon, kid."

"I never needed to learn how to use another weapon. I only practiced with the sling because it was fun, not because I needed to fight. I suppose I should find myself a sword or something when we get to town."

Montaron grunted in disdain, "This ain't no picnic out here, kid. Ye needs to use yer weapon fer survival, not sport. Here, take this dagger -- it was Xzar's 'til a minute ago. Careful ye don't cut yerself, kid."

Nicotino looked shocked. "Why did you take Xzar's weapon? He'll need it for himself!"

"Ye ever hear of magic? Well, idiot that he is, Xzar ain't half bad at using it. He don't need this dagger but ye do. That is unless ye know the arcane arts yerself? Didn't think so." Montaron laughed gruffly, "If ye live long enough, I may teach ye to use yer weapon. No sense in ye being around if yer gonna be useless baggage." He paused for a breath and looked around.
"Now where did that crazed wizard go traipsing now? I swear someday I'll stick a blade in his gullet --"

"I HAVE BECOME DEATH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!" Xzar's voice maniacal voice boomed from the woods.

Montaron turned around to look. "Xzar sounds like he's doin' too much studyin'. We best round him up 'fore he gets in one of *those* states again. "

"STOP TOUCHING ME!!!" Xzar's maniacal voice again came through the woods, but this time it carried even better because of the note of panic in it. Both halflings instantly jumped to their feet and rushed into the woods with weapons drawn. Nicotino tried hard to keep up with his sturdier halfling, but he lost sight when he stumbled over a log that Montaron leapt over. While Nicotino was face-down on the forest floor, he heard the whistle of arrows sailing through the air.




Nicotino picked himself up and continued to run. Now he heard a few sword clashes followed by several groans. Still running full speed, he burst into a clearing to come upon the sight of Montaron pulling his sword out of a man. Another corpse lay right beside the fighter-thief and on the side of the clearing, there were two more bodies. One of them was clad in green.

"Bandits?!" exclaimed Nicotino.

Montaron eyed Nicotino for a second. "Aye, bandits." He then pointed his sword in the direction of the dead mage and nonchalantly commented, " I told ye he wouldn't be needin' that dagger. Grab what ye can from here and let's go."


It was the next day. The two halflings had left the Xzar and the bandits far behind and were now nearing the crossroads. Nicotino, who never had taken a liking to Xzar, was fazed little by his associate's death and soon forgot about it as the prospect of other things arose before him. Right now, that prospect was a nice new item that he had acquired.

Nicotino toyed with the handle of his new short sword that he had scavenged from one of the dead bandits. He had always liked the looks of the weapons, but had never had the opportunity to use one. Staffs and other such weapons had never interested him so therefore he never bothered with weapons training. He thought it silly that Candlekeep forbade the use of blades. No matter, now he had one and he was going to learn how to use it!

He ceremoniously flipped the sword up and began to swing it around with a flourish. He imagined that he was slicing a distant tree in two. A smile spread across his face at the sound his newfound piece of equipment made while cutting through the air. Nicotino imagined all the fun and adventures that he could have with it.

"Ye dratted idiot! That be a short sword!" Montaron bellowed at him. "Ye don't swing it! Ye stab with it."


"And besides that, with all yer finigglin' 'round with yer sword, ye clean haven't noticed that we're at the crossroads. This be where I go south. Are ye with me, or do ye think ye kin handle the road by yerself?"

"Why so we are! I suppose I need to go north to meet someone, but I would also like to travel in a group. How far of a road is it to the Friendly Arm Inn? If it isn't too long, perhaps we could go there and then go on to your destination. Two is better than one and I doubt that you are eager to travel alone either."

"It be a day's journey, no more but that be of no difference to me. Ye come wit' me or ye go by yerself. Make yer choice."

Nicotino did not need to long to weigh his options. The thought of traveling alone frightened him more than being with his oft-disgruntled companion.

"Alright, I'll come with you."

"I be overjoyed wit' the thought o' yer presence, but ye better learn to use that piece of steel if ye want me to stay that way. And if ye don't want to die, then ye follow me. Understood? Good."

Montaron didn't wait for a reply and started sprinting down the road. Nicotino had no other option but to follow him.

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box." - Italian Proverb

"I like criticism, but it must be my way." - Mark Twain

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright
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post Nov 5 2008, 07:06 AM
Post #4

Retired team member
Posts: 490
Joined: 8-April 08
From: U.S.A

It's been awhile but I finally got around to writing some more of this. As always, comments are welcome.



Nicotino and Montaron had been laboriously trudging down the Trade Way in the blistering hot sun for several hours. The sun was just beginning to set. Along the way, Montaron had dealt with a few rampaging kobolds but had snapped his sword in the process. The two extras he had taken from the fallen enemy did not last much longer either, both of the brittle blades having broken against the leather armor of some abushing hobgoblins.

Montaron looked down to the bladeless hilt he grasped in his hand. "Blast! That be the third one o' them that's fallen t' pieces on me!" he roared in disgust. He hurled the ruined blade into the air where it sailed for a time before dropping with a splash into a nearby pond. Several fish jumped out of the water.

Standing nearby, Nicotino helplessly watched his fellow halfling vent his rage. His own sword remained intact in his hand thanks to his having let his companion take the brunt of the fighting. He still had not gotten familiar enough with melee to feel very confidant wading into the fray. He was thinking of reminding Montaron what he had said about weapons training when he noticed the gruff halfling looking queerly at him. He had an idea why the larger halfling was looking at him that way.

"Well?" A long stare by Montaron.

"What?" Nicotino held his sword behind his back and grinned innocently.

"Yer sword."

"What about it?"

"I see ye hidin' it."

"Oh, that."

"Aye, that."

"So what about it?"

"Hand it over, kid. You don't be needin' it, and I do. Them brown-skinned yohos I stuck ain't got the right kind, so yer's it must be. Ye got three seconds to give it to me or ye go in the water like that hilt!" Montaron made a threatening gesture towards the pond. "One... Two ..."

Nicotino complied.

"Gutless as I thought ye were," guffawed Montaron. "Now, since ye have shown yerself to be useless fer a fight, what can ye do?" He paused for a second in thought. "Hmm... I got the perfect idea..."

A few minutes later, the tiny Nicotino was laboriously trudging down the Trade Way a few paces behind the striding Montaron. He was doubled over with the weight of two travel packs on his back.

Nicotino panted heavily. Montaron whistled cheerfully in between puffs on Nicotino's treasured pipe.


"This be Beregost. A proper place fer a rest if ye has a spot of coin."

Nicotino barely had the energy to nod in reply.

The two were walking through the busy road, pushing their way through the teeming traffic - traders along the roadside, commoners milling about, hyper children running amok, and those who chose to louge on the curbs. Outside a large building, a woman in black was entertaining a small audience with a display of magic tricks and a song here and there. A few cheers erupted as she completed her latest performance.

"Give us another one, Silke!" one man shouted. A few others added their voices in agreement. The woman acceded to the requests and began once again. Nicotino stopped to watch, but Montaron was in no mood for revelry and pulled him away while snarling in his companion's ear.

"We have a job to do, kid. Ye got it? There be no time fer nonsense until it be complete. Let's step in here and get a belt before hittin' the road again."

He roughly pulled Nicotino away from the crowd and gave him a firm push up a nearby staircase and through a door. A sign right next to it read "Red Sheaf Inn".

Inside there were a number of patrons seated at the tables feasting upon steaming plates of food and imbibing no small amount of spirits. At the corner of the bar, a stumpy dwarf was just gulping down the remainder of his ale when he threw a glance at the newcomers. He had a surprised look on his face for a second before his mouth moved up in a slightly malevolent grin. A few quick strides brought him in front of the adventuring pair. He greeted them in a genial manner.

"Well now! Here I thought I would need to go lookin' for you, and you appear right before my very eyes! My name be Karlat. I was sent to find you two to give you a message."

Montaron grunted in reply. "Be that so? Then speak up, dwarf. We haven't time fer foolin' 'round."

Karlat's eyes traveled back and forth between Nicotino and Montaron, but finally settled on the latter. "Aye, then. I'll make it short for you. First, I need to be positive who you are. You are Nicotino, formerly of Candlekeep, and this must be your friend, Montaron." He stabbed a fat finger at Nicotino.

Nicotino looked taken aback. Montaron roared in fury.

"Ye drivelin' idiot! I be Montaron! That pack mule there be Nicotino."

The dwarf looked shocked, but quickly recovered. "I assumed that one with Nicotino's reputation would be the leader of the two. Guess I was wrong." Montaron snorted in disgust. Karlat continued, "We can further discuss business in a more private area. I am sure you will follow me, as it is about the mines. You do want to hear about the Nashkel mines, don't you? Then follow me."

Karlat led them to a storeroom in the back of the inn and closed the door behind them. "This is somewhat more secluded, so now we can proceed."

"You know something about the mines?" Nicotino piped up. "We haven't heard much about them."

"Shut yer trap, kid," Montaron spat. "I'll be doin' the talkin' here."

"Calm yourself, halfling. Your companion asked a question I'm willing to answer," Karlat said in a soft tone. He turned to the other halfling. "As for you question - indeed I do know something about the mines, or rather, your involvement with them. We can't have that. I also have here a notice." He drew out a piece of parchment and waved it in front of them. "It places a nice tidy sum upon your head, Master Nicotino."

At those last words, the three of them made grabs for their weapons. Karlat swung around his axe that was hanging by his side. Montaron quickly unsheathed his sword and brought it up to face his enemy. Nicotino grasped a handful of air where his short sword had once been.

"Old Karlat will add another name to the score!" He swirled his axe around then struck out at Montaron in a mighty blow.

"Curse ye, kid! Don't just stand there!" Montaron bellowed while parrying a forceful blow. He staggered in the process, falling back a few steps.

While the two combatants exchanged desperate blows, Nicotino scurried to the opposite end of the room to get a better shot on the hired killer. In his rush, his foot became entangle with some object and he fell sprawling on the floor boards. As he struggled to free himself, he realized that the object was a coil of rope. He instantly snatched it and flung it around the dwarf's legs. The rope caught and Nicotino gave it as hard a yank as he could. The burly opponent gave a grunt of astonishment as he felt his feet being pulled from underneath himself and crashed upon the floor. Montaron wasted no time following him down with a swift plunge of his short sword.

"Take that, ye bearded piece o' rotten liver!" Montaron screamed as he dealt the killing blow, causing Nicotino to cringe as he watched. Montaron faced his companion and spoke between deep breaths. "Ye did good, kid. I didn't expect ye to do anythin' but run! But enough o' that. We ain't stayin' in this place any longer than we have to."

Montaron paused and looked down on their fallen assailant, then at the axe on the ground. "Can ye use an axe, kid? No? Well yer goin' to learn." He grasped the axe and handed it to Nicotino. "Let's get movin', twerp. We can rest another day."

Nicotino gulped and followed once again, dragging the double-bladed axe along. They trudged out into the street and ,in their hurry, nearly bumped into the street performer. She turned to address them.

"Greetings, adventurers! My name is Silke!"

"Whadda we care?" Snarled the grumpy halfling. "Outta our way, girl!"

"Why, I --," her indignant voice trailed off as two halflings proceeded south down the road.

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box." - Italian Proverb

"I like criticism, but it must be my way." - Mark Twain

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright
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post Mar 13 2009, 04:28 PM
Post #5

Retired team member
Posts: 490
Joined: 8-April 08
From: U.S.A

The much anticipated continuation of the grand literary masterpiece is here! smile.gif


Nicotino looked down from the dizzying heights of the bridge into the swirling waters below and felt himself becoming a little green at the close proximity to the rushing water. Though he was raised in Candlekeep right next to the sea, he had never been tall enough to look over the parapets or through the windows to gaze upon the ocean, thus he had no real familiarity with a larger body of water. The waters churning beneath him and all other streams he had come across always gave him a queasy feeling, especially when looked upon from above, and this was the first bridge he had ever stood upon. He took a few uneasy steps. Close your eyes and walk across! That worked! With relief he set his foot upon the dirt road once again and finally had the opportunity to take in what was ahead of him. What he saw did not impress him.

A couple slovenly-looking buildings, smoke coming out of their crude chimneys, stood on one side of the road marked with well-worn signs showing them to be an inn and a shop. Nearby was another sign, this one slightly larger than the others, welcoming travelers to Nashkel. The whole village looked abandoned for the most part, with only just a couple people walking into the inn and a few others standing idly about. Off in the distance a tall bald man stood as if waiting for someone.

The small halfling had barely taken all this in when he received a harsh shove in his back that reminded him that his companion still stood behind him. An admonishing voice followed it, "Curse ye, kid, can't ye keep yer feet movin' fer mor'n a minute? Get steppin' or I'll prod ya along!" Evidently Nicotino didn't get stepping soon enough for he soon felt the point of a blade give him a push forwards. Picking up his weary feet, he moved on, now anxious to set foot into the inn. Every minute he spent with Montaron made him regret more and more his decision to not head north on his own. Then again, there were a few occasions when Monty, as Xzar had called him, displayed an unusual liking for him, and he had even procured him another short sword so he would not have to use the heavy axe taken from the fallen dwarf assassin. The sword now swung on a leather strap at his side.

The two moved forward down the road towards the inn even as night was falling. The few bystanders had almost all dispersed except for one at the far end of the village, so they made their way down the road in complete silence. A minute later they stood in front of the heavy wooden door of the Nashkel Inn. Montaron stepped forward to swing open the door and then the pair proceeded through the entrance.

Once inside, which was foggy with smoke, the two could make out a few sturdy tables and a counter behind which a portly man stood. He was wiping some mugs clean even as he noticed the short customers arrive. He greeted them in a tired, yet cheerful voice, "Good eve to you two. What can our humble inn offer you?"

Montaron slapped a few gold coins on the counter. "I need a room for the night. This runt behind me needs one too, but we're payin' our own ways."

"Very good, sir." The innkeeper swept the gold off the counter and into his pocket as he directed Montaron to his room. Then he turned his attention to Nicotino. "And you, sir? You need to pay for your room."

Nicotino frantically searched his empty pockets for gold but found nothing. Montaron had been taking everything of value that they had found, claiming that the one who did the fighting did the keeping. Now the halfling just realized what his companion had done to him. He looked up helplessly at the innkeeper. "I don't have any!"

The innkeepers countenance darkened somewhat and he glowered down. "No gold, no room. You'll have to sleep outside tonight, tramp." He pointed to the door and then resumed his cleaning.

Nicotino reluctantly obeyed, dejectedly dragging himself out the door. Sleeping outdoors wasn't new to him anymore, but it sure was when there was an inn available. Why would Montaron do that? It couldn't have cost that much to provide me with a place to sleep. He crossed the road and slumped down next to a clump of bushes feeling a tad sorry for himself and wondering what would go wrong next. His wondering was not long as he soon began to nod.


Night was fully upon the sleepy little village when Nicotino was awakened from his slumber by a soft whisper.

"Just fancy my luck seeing you here. I expected a hunt and a chase from the description, but who am I to argue easy coins in the purse?"

Nicotino felt his skin crawling, and then soon realized it was the touch of a knife to his neck that made him feel that way. Much as he did not want to, he forced his eyes open to look at the latest assassin. Stooping over him was a woman clad in a black cloak holding a very long knife over his throat. What little he could see of her face told him that she was enjoying torturing her prey before dispatching with him. Considering he was her prey, he was shaking all over on the inside, desperately wracking his mind for a way of escape. In the small circle of bushes he had chosen to sleep in, he was quite alone with no help visible from his position. A river of sweat poured down his face as his eyes flitted back and forth.

One more whisper from her, "Yelling will not help you. May the Lord of Shadows guide you swiftly to your death!"

With that she began to press the dagger forward. Hardly had she begun to do so when a giant boot came out from the bushes. Nicotino saw the weapon fly from her hand, and then a huge piece of steel come crashing down upon her with a sickening thud. His would-be killer collapsed to the ground in front of him dead, blood pooling around her, even as he heard a shout, "Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will do the rest!"

From his position on the ground, Nicotino saw the newcomer as even more of a giant to than he already was. His eyes traveled up from the faded and dusty over-sized boots, over the dull chain shirt, all the way to a bald head with a purple circle on one side of it that crossed over an eye. In the man's hands was the largest sword Nicotino had ever seen, and now it was dripping wet from its recent use. The halfling's first reaction was to be just as scared of the man who now stood over him as he was of his previous visitor until his vision came to rest on a pouch that hung from the man's belt. The leather flap that covered it was being pushed open and from within a furry little face with quivering whiskers appeared. The rodent twitched its nose as it looked at Nicotino, then up to the man. The man looked back at it.

"I agree, Boo, he looks to be friendly. Yes, I'll ask him." The stranger then looked back to the one he had rescued. "Greetings! We are Minsc and Boo. We have traveled far to explore this land, but now my charge Dynaheir has been taken from us. 'Twas gnolls, and once we have tracked them, I will beat sense into their heads until they release her. Accompany us and bards will sing the deeds of Minsc and Boo. . . and his friend."

Nicotino's head was in a whirl at the recent events. First an attack, then the rescue, then a giant who ignored the incident like it had never happened and instead spoke of something different. Still watching the rodent, now identified as Boo, he managed to speak a few words, "Slow down! I don't know what you speak of, but what does that have to do with the attempt on my life?"

"That is simple. Boo told me that evil was afoot nearby and I tracked it to put my boot to its backside! Now I would like to know what you say to my proposal?"

Nicotino's head rattled from the booming of Minsc's voice and he wondered if he was waking the dead from the nearby graveyard. Despite all that had happened, he was having a difficult time taking the ranger seriously. Still looking at the rat, he changed the subject, "Um. . . you speak to a rodent?"

"Boo is my faithful animal companion," Minsc grinned at him, "and more than he seems."

"I. . . um. . . see. Well, thanks, sir, for saving me." Nicotino gulped and looked at the dead woman as he said this.

Minsc waved off the thanks with a friendly gesture. "I do you a favor and now you can repay me and Boo. Aid me in the rescue of Dynaheir and there will be glory for all! We will see that none harm you and you will be a hero like Minsc and Boo." As he spoke, he reached down and pulled the halfling to his feet.

"You don't leave me with much choice," groaned Nicotino. "I'll tag along. It seems all I'm good for."

Minsc tossled Nicotino's hair with his monstrous hand, which the halfling failed to dodge, and then sang out, "Take heart fellow adventurer, for you have curried the favor of Boo, the only miniature giant space hamster in the Realms! My friend and companion ever since my h-h-head wound, he will lead us to victory! Onward to the gnolls stronghold in the west! Tarry not! We must go soon, but first, a night in the inn to prepare ourselves!"

Hearing the words made Nicotino cringe a little, though the thought of a real bed relieved his spirits somewhat. He followed the ranger into the inn, obtained his room which Minsc kindly paid for, and flopped on his cot.

What have I gotten myself into? But the man is mad, and to refuse a madman may have meant my death. Why is it that I only meet madmen along the road? First the man who wanted me dead, then Xzar and his obsession with rabbits, then Montaron, who is half psychotic killer, half grumpy traveler, and now a man and his hamster! And now I have to introduce two of them and I dread doing that. Tomorrow morning is going to be interesting. . . more interesting than I want.

He fell asleep.


And now for some fun. I'm running a poll to see where the readers want this to go next. You may:

1. Vote to have him accompany Monty to the mines.

2. Vote to have him follow the mad ranger to rescue Dynaheir.

3. Send me your own idea and if it sounds like a lot of fun, I may use it.

Of course, do all this in a separate thread OR by PM. Thanks!

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box." - Italian Proverb

"I like criticism, but it must be my way." - Mark Twain

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright
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