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> IA 5.0 experiences by saros, [Topic split by Baronius]
post Jul 30 2008, 07:56 PM
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Editor's foreword (by Sikret):

Since we have thoroughly tested most of the things saros reports in this thread and have found most of them totally false and misleading, we would like to emphasize that the content of this thread is not reliable and can even be misleading for new players. It's worth noting however that none of the things he has written (not even one single word) has been deleted. We could of course delete the entire topic, because we are not supposed to publish false and forged reports about Improved Anvil, but we decided to keep it as an evidence to show how the game should NOT be played for future reference.

saros is playing the game in an illegitimate way with lots of cheats. Many of the things he reports are totally false and can be misleading for other players. So, those who want to read reliable information about IA, should not waste their time reading this thread, because it can affect their mentality about the mod in an invalid and misleading way. As he has admitted in one of his own posts, he is just playing the mod in order to prove that he can win it with a solo character even if it means using cheap methods and cheats.

Even worse than his cheats are his lies. He has reported several nonexistent bugs; for example, each time he fails to win a battle, he retorts by saying that the battle was bugged and such things. Improved Anvil's testing team has thoroughly examined all of his alleged bug reports and has found all of them to be false and fake. Some of them can be interpreted as mistakes of an unskilled player who doesn't observe the events carefully, but some others are so obvious that they can only be interpreted as deliberate and intentional lies.

The best way to tell a lie and make it believable is to tell a big lie and then say "everyone is welcome to test it for himself". This is exactly what saros does. Of course, everyone is indeed welcome to test what he reports and see that he is lying (as we did), but saros is counting on psychological effect of his words and knows that most players won't actually test what he says. I don't really understand what motivates him and what is his purpose of writing so many lies. As I said, most of the lies he writes can't really be interpreted as simple mistakes; they are so obvious that can only be intentional. To see a concrete example of his lies
click here. Examples of his lies and false reports are really numerous, but I don't have any extra time to waste on composing a complete list of them.

Of course, at first, we decided to help saros play the mod in a legitimate way in a friendly tone, but he kept refusing to listen.

Cheaters never prosper. True winners never cheat. Liars are even worse than cheaters.

As a newer and recent discovery, saros had actually more than one nickname(s) here at BWL and had cross-posted some of his lies with another nickname as well. When someone is not honest, he is not honest in many ways.


Hi again.

I'd also like to share my experience so far with the fifth version of the IA mod and I will describe some methods which may prove helpful to all. This is my intention. Some of the methods are pure cheese by certain player's standard, but none of them is cheating. And I have an absolutely official installation of the required only components in the right order, with the exception of an added Happy tweak from the EoU mod. According to Sikret, it's no big deal.

My personal opinion is that everyone is welcome to play the mod as he/she wants. With this I mean with or without cheesy methods. I personally do not like cheating.

The experience I've collected so far concerns primarily the first hard steps in Athkatla, and some methods to create a higher level party.

In Chateau Irenicus, it is good for the PC to play solo through the dungeon. It would be immensely helpful if the PC is some sort of wizard or thief, because these classes offer an additional xp boost (from traps, locks and scrolls).
If the PC is not a thief, then he/she may consider joining Yoshimo, but only for the traps and locks in the dungeon, meaning that Yoshi should be avoided until everything else is cleared. Avoiding him is easily done via Invisibility, Hide In Shadows or Sanctuary.
After the PC has cleared the way to the exit, he then may start to collect NPCs: first Minsc, then(after temporarily disbanding Minsc) Jaheira, and finally Yoshimo. This way, the joining NPCs will be with a starting xp of 161 000. If an NPC is joined right away after the start of the game, his or her xp will be only 90 000.
This way, not only your PC will get more overall xp in chapter 1, but also the joined NPCs will have 71 000 free xp points gained.

If you want to gain some extra xp, leave one Mephit portal active and kill spawning mephits. Sure, they offer only 420 xp points, but their spawning is endless if the portal is alive.
If your PC is a Cleric/Wizard of some kind, then combining Animate Dead and Invisibility cast on the Ice Mephit Portal will provide you with some free time to read a book or watch a movie while your PC gains xp. Skeletons are immune to cold damage, they stay 8 hours, and if they do not see the Invisible mephit portal, then they don't attack it, but instead attack only spawning Ice Mephits

After going out, and collecting the quest xp reward for chapter 1, it would be wise to kick everyone out of the party and temporarily play solo. The logic in this is, that most of the new NPCs will join a high level character also at higher levels(up to 1.2 million xp for a joining NPC).

I suggest completing the Circus tent for the xp and spell scrolls, and afterwards, sleeping over in order to wait for the first two night encounters. As we all know, these contain gems, gold and several spell scrolls, namely Find Familiar, Spell Thrust, Stoneskin, Minor Spell Turning, Disintegrate and Contingency. All of these are useful, most are qute rare and hard to come by.

The most dangerous part of the solo starting strategy are the first two random city encounters, and especially the first one, Suna Seni. I've had experience with her party with a low level solo F/M/T and F/M/C. It's easy for a F/M/C to win this battle with the proper domination/disabling spells. It's harder for a F/M/T since the two actually active classes in the battle are the fighter and mage, the thief does absolutely nothing. Here is my experience:

Suna Seni and her goons have various immunities and protection spells running. The most effective strategy so far was casting a Greater Malinson, followed by a couple of Web spells. The big problem here is the lack of spell slots at lower levels. My F/M/T entered this fight equipped with two +3 long swords, Stoneskined, Improved Invisible, with two Rings of Protection equipped, with Spirit Armor, Shield, Blur, Pro Evil, Mirror Image, with Frost Giant strength potion consumed, with Draw Upon Holy Might and also Hasted. This can be done the following way:

Creating two +3 swords, memorizing Stoneskin, rest.
Casting Stoneskin, memorizing Spirit Armor and Greater Malinson, rest.
Casting Spirit Armor, consuming an Oil of Speed, a Potion of Frost Giant Strength(from Ribald), casting the rest of the buffs in proper order. An Improved Invisibility should be activated from a scroll on top of all of this.

When the battle started, my PC disrupted the cleric's True Sight spell by engaging him in melee. Afterwards, I began to circle around in order to avoid the melee fighters. My AC was -14 anyway due to buffs. Afterwards I activated Web. Web has a chance to catch everyone, including Suna Seni, but the cleric and the mage are immune to its effects. No matter. The cleric falls in a couple of rounds. The mage cannot survive long in melee, even with his Mirror Image and Stoneskin. But I found it more convenient to carry two additional scrolls of Web and one of Improved Invisibility, just in case anything goes wrong. And furthermore, it is good to focus on Suna Seni while she's webbed, since she dies in a couple of rounds, and afterwards to concentrate on the enemy wizard.

The PC can save without failure vs the web effects while his Improved Invisibility is still active.

When the cleric, mage and Suna Seni are dead, the rest of the fight is relatively easy.

My third level slots were filled with Fireball spells, which work great on malinsoned webbed enemies: they're like sitting ducks.

The second random city encounter is much easier thanx to the Breach spell obtained from the corpse of the first encounter's enemy wizard, and fewer enemy fighters.

There are a few unmodded quests in Athkatla. No need to rush to Trademeet.

The relatively free xp which may be collected(apart from spell scrolls for an arcane caster):

Copper Coronet: fight with Amalas
Outside Copper Coronet: fight with Corvale
Find out what happened to Montaron: catching the bird without completing the quest(yet). Xzar may be looted for his scrolls and gems. Spectral Harpists may be killed for extra xp.
The Graveyard quests plus all of the monsters in the crypts, except for the Spider Lair.
The kidnappers who buried Tirdir(bridge)
Mae'var's quest, without getting the quest xp reward from Renal.
The illithium ore quest.
The skinner murders.

Note: It is not necessary to collect the Reputation rewards from such quests. Remember that by donating gold to a temple you can raise your reputation up to 16, and afterwards collect reputation reward from both this and the Circus Tent quest.

There are other ways to gain a lot of xp and gold, and spell scrolls, and green protection scrolls, and potions, ammo or even some enchanted items:

Looting amnish guards who interrupt the party's rest on the streets of Athkatla: a decent hasted thief can do it. These guards carry sometimes valuable spell scrolls.

Dropping your reputation to 3 or lower(despised) and starting to kill Amnish patrols which appear. Those come with a standard equipment and some random item slots. The standard equipment includes five full plate mails per patrol, which are worth from six to nine thousand gp when sold on the market.
The random item slots may contain one of the following:

1. A random magical item. Those are occasionally of +1 enchantment, but there are exceptions, like Short Bow +2 or even a Spear +3.
2. A potion. The potions may be: of Healing, Oil of Resurgence, Potion of Vitality, Potion of Strength, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Agility, Elixir of Health.
3. A random jewel or a small sum of gold. The most valuable gem that may be obtained this way is the Black Opal, while the most valuable necklace is the laeral's tear.
4. A spell scroll. Here is the (almost) full list:

Magic Missile
Burning Hands
Protection from Evil
Shocking Grasp
Color Spray
Minor Spell Turning
Monster Summoning III
(these low level scrolls can be dropped far more seldom than the higher level scrolls)

Summon Nishruu
Carrion Summons
Prot from Magic Energy
Globe of Invulnerability
True Sight(very seldom)
Mislead(very seldom)
Death Spell
Tenser's Transformation
Spell Sequencer
Spell Turning
Sphere of Chaos
Summon Harkeashar/Djinni/Efreeti
Mordenkainen's sword
Protection from Elements
Ruby Ray of Reversal
Khelben's Warding Whip
Control Undead
Spell Trigger
Protection from Energy
Pierce Shield
Incendiary Cloud
Tenser's partial
Summon Fiend
Spell Trap

Green scrolls:
Cursed scroll of Petrification
Prot from Cold
Prot from Fire
Prot from Poison
Prot from Level Drain

Killing Amnish guards may continue as much as one wants. This way may be collected free xp, gold and scrolls.

There is a price, however. After the first few won battles with such patrols, a bug appears, and arcane spellcasting on the streets does not trigger the appearance of Cowled wizard patrols. I've tested it. So no fight is possible with the Cowled wizards after this exploit is deployed. And since they carry some valuable scrolls like Improved haste, this is a waste somehow.

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post Aug 7 2008, 02:03 PM
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Posts: 29
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QUOTE(Sikret @ Aug 7 2008, 04:37 PM) *
IA is the most thoroughly tested mod ever created in the history of modding IE games. It's totally stable and bugfree. However, players who cheat will create bugs in their own games and it is their own fault. It's the same with other complex mods as well. This is not the mod's weakness; it's intentional not to offer technical support to cheaters.

5- Your bug reports will be ignored, because they will be false reports (I have already tested most of your reports and have found them false).

@ everyone

- As IA's creator and the one who has the most thorough knowledge about the mod, I tell you that most of what saros writes in his posts are either forged or totally false. Some of them even look to be deliberate false reports. If you want reliable information about the mod, IA's main forum is where you should visit and consult.

IMO any stable and bug-free mod should not interfere with anyone's personal opinion about how to play the mod. IA is a great and challenging mod, but(again IMO) it is not bug-free, whether deliberately made this way in order to punish 'cheaters' or not.

5- My bug reports may be ignored, but then again, they're all present in my current game as I describe them in my game, as I've watched them. To anyone who doesn't believe this, I'd suggest spending some time to play as I did so far, and see for himself. So, again, IA is most probably stable and bug-free as long as anyone limits himself to the style of play offered by the mod's creator.

@ everyone

1. Again, I don't deliberately forge any false reports in order to mislead anyone. Then again, most probably Sikret is right and my style of play had created most, or even all of the reported so far bugs in my game.

PC assaulted the Troll Mound.
The battle was something like that:
PC buffs with his long lasting buffs
PC enters Troll Mound
PC kills trolls near the entrance
PC lays 5 time traps and 2 usual traps
PC casts shorter lasting buffs
PC summons Planetar and together they rush forward
PC Protects himself from Magical Weapons
PC Rays the Troll Queen 3 times in order to bring SI: A down. Meanwile, Planetar is slain.
PC releases Sequencer with 3 remove Magics and immediately rushes backwards. Queen enchanntments were dispelled.
Using 2 Time Traps, FoA main, Belm off, Impr. haste, DUHM and critical strikes, PC slayed the Troll Queen.
Even the rest of the Time Traps were somewhat insufficient to slay the king, but he fell shortly after the last TT ended(forgot to cast Hardiness or didn't have time to do so).
The rest of the trolls were a piece'o'cake.

The Rakshasa in the druid grove and its allies fell quickly to a Time trap after the conversation dialog triggered. So my PC was granted the title 'Hero of Trademeet' and received a reputation reward, bringing his current reputation to 20.

With the city freed, my PC cast Friends, and donned his Merchantise equipment in order to bring his CHA to 17. Then my PC bought all valuable items from the local merchants+the temple.

PC took the quest of clearing Trademeet Crypt.

PC didn't know about the Dead magic zone(of a sort) inside, so in the first attempt he fell. Still, PC noticed that Contingencies, Triggers and Sequencers work inside. So the tactic was forged:

PC enters: buffs on PC are dispelled
Contingency fires: ProMW
Contingency loaded: Impr Haste
Sequencer fired: Spirit Armor, Stoneskin, Impr Invisibility
PC interrupts Founder of Trademeet's true sight spell with melee strikes
Impr Haste triggers
PC kills Founder of Trademeet with Critical Strikes, FoA main and Belm off hand(9 APR)
PC now is most probably headed for Valygar in order to enter the Planar Sphere.

My recent experiences:

PC cleared the Umar Hill area. Seems like it is unmodded by Sikret(unless, maybe, Protagonist is a Ranger of some sort), so PC completed the Mimic quest and Madulf's quest(no shield yet), and visited Merella's cabin. PC also killed Valygar's guardians(wrong line in conversation), bought everything from the local merchants, and also joined Valygar.

Valygar, of course, joined and immediately received a large xp reward, bringing his total joining xp at 1.3 million. So far, it's like that:

Quest reward receiving NPCs(according to player's total xp): Jan, Keldorn, Anomen, Valygar
NPCs who don't receive quest xp reward at joining: Aerie, Haer'dalis, Edwin, Cernd.

I do not include in this cathegory NPCs in Jon Irenicus's starting dungeon, like Minsc, Yoshimo or Jaheira.

PC took Valygar's armor and katana. With the help of the stalker, the Planar sphere was opened.
Valygar was disbanded immediately afterwards.

With the help of his numerous HLAs and high level spells, PC was able to clear the whole sphere from the inside. On the lower floor, maybe because of very high PC level, in addition to the stational 2 Gem and 2 Coin golems, appeared two more groups as random encounters, each group contained a Greater Bone Golem, 2 Gem and 2 Coin golems. @ anyohe who might want to know, Gem golems seem less resistant to Crushing damage, Coin golems are less resistant to Piercing damage, and Amber golems are less resistant to Slashing damage(plus Amber golems are surrounded by a permanent Lightning Shield of some sort, similar to original fireshields, but dealing lightning damage).

This time PC donned a Ring of Gaxx when he met the Neo-Otyugh inside. This critter managed to Disease my PC, and diseased he was, taking no damage from the disease, but still whirling in pain(spellcasting was interrupted) until the disease effect ended.

Finally, PC went outside to kill some demons.
The Tanar'ri were easy since they appear to be unmodded. The Lea'yil was apparently modded. He summoned 1 Skeleton Grandlord, 2 Lords, and 3 Maureshi(which then summoned 3 Skeleton Warriors). PC protected himself from magic weapons, slew the Skeleton Lords with Daystar, and cast a Death Spell, killing an Imp and 3 Skeleton Warriors. The Lea'yil was easy, but right before his death, he managed to do a critical hit on my PC and thus I saw my PC's buffs dispelled(seems like the demon's melee attack is dispelling).

So, PC had no more stoneskins, or Protection from Weapons, and my mighty dagger +4 dealt 2 or 3 points of damage to the Skeleton Grandlord.
I decided to reload and find a better sollution. For instance, I already knew that Spell protections are worthless in this fight, and planetars help too little, so I decided to remember more Protections from Magical Weapons and Absolute Immunity(not to mention that I gained another wizard level in the sphere and received additional 8-th and 9-th level spell.

Unfortunately, when I reloaded(had an autosave right before entering Demon's domain from Planar sphere), and went outside of the sphere, I was in the Slums of Athkatla!
Well, I thought, another self-created bug.
Reloaded a little older game(right after killing Tolgeras). Tried to exit the sphere, and again, I was in the Slums.
Fortunately, I had a save before the quest had started(outside of the Sphere in the Slums). I reloaded, initiated Planar travel, and then left the sphere. I was glad to see that I was in the demon world again.

This time, the battle was carried out much more efficiently. In addition to complete buffing, PC had several Time Traps layed, and focused on the demon first(nasty dispellation melee attack). The demon fell in a couple of rounds. Then PC killed the Skeleton Lords, and rushed back to his traps, followed by Maureshi, Skeleton Warriors and a Skeleton Grandlord.
Traps triggered. The Skeleton Grandlord fell to GWW attacks with the Staff of Rynn +4(he is immune to weapons +3 and less). I was pleasantly surprised to see that PC dealt 12-14 points of damage to the grandlord per strike with the staff.
Afterwards, the fight was easy. PC cleared the minions in the area, collected all three of the demon hearts, and also an artifact piece(I will not tell what it is).

So now, PC has to (once more) clear the inside of the Planar Sphere. Oh well. Not like he hasn't done it before...

I've made some interesting discoveries in my recent adventure.

First of all, PC completed the Planar Sphere quest, and looted the body of Lavok.

On this body, the Amulet of Charon was found.
Its description says: 'Usable by Necromancer(single class)'
PC is a multi F/M/T half elf and has UAI
IA tip: there are now some items, which cannot be used by Thieves or Bards with the ability UAI.
PC was able to use the Amulet of Charon.
Now I wanna try if PC can also use the Amulet of Hades, but PC needs yet another Manual of Elaboration in order to create it.

PC was also able to send the Solamnic Knights home with the help of Teos, Ribald and Kollynic Paac. So PC was rewarded with a Golden Girdle.

The apprentices in the planar sphere(with many reloads) couldn't create the easiest of the last serie of items, the Robe of the Apprenti. No matter how much I reloaded, the result was one and the same. IMHO, here triggers a checkpoint to check if the PC is a single class mage or sorcerer or not, in order for the robe to be created at all.
PC then reloaded for the last time and went for the Staff of Power. The staff was created from the first attempt!

The newest experiences of Saros, the mighty F/M/T.

Saros is currently in the Windspear's hills lair, and is assembling his strength in order to face Firkraag.
Levels: 35/29/39. List of all of Saros' HLAs will be displayed at lvl 40/40/40(if he ever reaches those).

Saros cleared all of Firkraag's dungeon. Due to his high levels, he had to face 2 Golem groups similar to those in the power core center of the Planar sphere(1 Greater Bone Golem, 2 Gem golems and 2 Coin golems). Also, while resting, he faced 3 Skeleton warriors. Skeleton warriors have a Two-Handed magical sword and a random item slot in their inventory, which is exactly the same as random item slots on Cowled wizards in Amnish patrols.

Tazok was slain under Time trapping after triggering his pre-combat dialogue. Good thing, because in his inventory Saros found out yet another potion of Magic Shielding, which Tazok didn't have time to consume.

In Samia's quest, before looting the Tomb of King Strom III, Saros layed 7 Time Traps and summoned a Planetar in the area of spawning of the enemy. All of the enemies except the fighter/druid and the cleric were slain under Time Trapping(a single Remove Magic in between Time Traps was sufficient to dispel Kaol's buffs and he was slain too). The F/D was at near-death when the last TT ended, and because the Planetar was still alive, he helped finish the enemy Cleric.
The dialog of Samia was triggered pre-combatly.
Saros found a lot of cool stuff from this battle
Another potion of magic shielding, from Samia's corpse
Other potions
Valuable scrolls from Kaol

The Robe of Vecna
Magical Blossoms
Circlet of the Woods
Scarlet Ninja-to
A Katana +3
A martial staff
and other valuable items

PC was able to use the Circlet of the Woods
With it, the Robe of Vecna and the Amulet of Power, PC has reduced casting time by 4

Conster and his 7 Skeleton Lords were slain again under Time Trapping, after Ruby raying Conster twice and afterwards releasing a Sequencer with 3 Remove Magics which dispelled his buffs. He still managed to activate one scroll of Absolute Immunity, which was dispelled inbetween time traps with the help of yet another remove magic spell.

The most recent encounters and adventures of Saros, the F/M/T solo.

I don't know what's happening anymore. Indeed I don't. The most recent events(or self-created bugs, how should I know), have turned out great for my PC. PC had most recently cleared both Windspear hills(firkraag himself) and the Temple Ruins. What is strange, however, is the fact that he was offered both paladin and ranger strongholds!

Moreover, PC just finished the Ranger Stronghold all quests(seems like only the last battle, the one with Umar, has been modded, and Umar was fearsome until I devised a successful tactic). And PC has just been rewarded with a Moon Dog Figurine!

From the fights in the Temple Ruins, most noteworthy were the two random encounters, each of the two groups consisted of a Shade Lich, 2 Skeleton Lords and 2 Skeleton Grandlords. The tactic: Buff well, kill Grandlords and Lords under Time Traps(Grandlords with Staff of Rynn and GWW attacks), and afterwards, deal with the lone lich.

Traxi's buffs were dispelled with several Breaches and Remove Magics and he fell just when he tried to lower my Globe of Invulnerability(next would've been my SI:A). The battle with Firkraag was similar to that. In both battles, the Dragonslayer sword had been used in addition to the Time traps and a Planetar.

The battle with Umar was something like that:

First encounter: A Wondrous Imp:
PC casts Ruby Ray on Imp.
Imp Summons 2 Minotaurs
PC detects invisibility: dispels illusions on imp
Imp summons 2 Vortex Spiders
PC casts ProMW and kills Minotaurs quickly, and afterwards kills spiders with Criticals.
Imp summons 2 Coin Golems.
Imp casts a couple of Enchantment spells: Chaos, greater malinson, etc.
PC starts killing the Coin Golems, Imp summons 2 gem golems
PC casts ProMW, and focuses on the imp. With a couple of Breach spells and powerful melee strikes, the imp fell.
PC casts another ProMW
PC recasts DUHM(the second one)
PC kills Coin Golems under ProMW with several Criticals
PC kills Gem Golems with Criticals under usual buffs(blur, mirror image, stoneskin)

Second encounter: Umar.
First unsuccessful attempt: PC layed several Time traps, and after Raying Umar 2 times, unleashed the usual Spell Sequencer with 3 remove magics. Umar too rayed PC, and summoned a lot of Skeleton Lords.
Unfortunately, due to Umar's immunity to Time Stop effects, she was able to effectively cast ProMW and Absolute Immunity during Time Traps, so PC couldn't kill her. When the time traps ended, PC managed to Breach Umar several times and finally kill her. PC was with too few protective spells against too many Skeleton Lords and he fell.

Then I thought 'well, I have reduced casting time by 4, and have Improved Alacrity. Hmm. Let's try without traps'

Second attempt
PC buffs
PC notices Umar
Umar fires her starting contingencies, including a Planetar, and also gates 3 Skeleton Lords.
PC casts ProMW
Umar casts True Sight
Planetar and Skeleton Lords cannot harm PC yet.
PC casts Improved Alacrity
Umar Ruby Rays PC
PC casts Ruby ray on Umar(casting time 1)
PC casts another ruby ray
PC relelases a Spell Sequencer with 3 Remove Magics
PC enables a Critical Strike
PC starts pounding Umar in Melee.
Umar releases almost simultaneously Absolute Immunity
PC Breaches Umar(casting time 1, Improved Alacrity still active, 1 round of activation)
PC kills Umar under his Critical strike(DUHM, of course, had been activated pre-combatly)
PC casts Blur, Mirror Image, refreshes ProMW, and starts killing Skeleton Lords.
Suffice to say, PC had yet another DUHM, another 2 Absolute Immunities and another 2 proMW spells unused yet. The skeleton lords that Umar managed to gate were 6 total. They were slain with the Daystar.

PC had already totally completed both the Planar sphere(all quests) and the De'arnise's fighter quests, including killing lord Roenall. He was indeed a worthy opponent, but had his weaknesses. With the Ranger's quests fulfilled, the fact that the PC is already a Great druid, and the Thieves' stronghold denied(and Renal slain btw), now maybe it is a good time to check if the Clerics will also offer me a Stronghold... Oh, yeah, and maybe PC should check the Paladins too? After all Garren had offered me a place inside the MNORH...

By the way, just for info: PC was able to upgrade the druidic circlet to its true form(forgot the name now because I immediately reloaded). And was able to use it! But the fact that aside from the original +1 bonus to casting speed, PC benefited only with +2 Cha and Wis bonus from the upgraded item, and the cost was a Scroll of Memory Boosting(too rare for me for now) was too high to me yet, and this forced me to reload.

P.S. I have absolutely NO idea why the game considers my character to be of every class!

P.P.S. Maybe I should check the Playhouse for yet another stronghold??
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Posts in this topic
saros   IA 5.0 experiences by saros   Jul 30 2008, 07:56 PM
Ryel ril Ers   Welcome saros! I will be a regular reader of ...   Aug 1 2008, 07:33 AM
saros   Hi Ryel ril Ers! 1. I will most certainly not...   Aug 1 2008, 08:59 AM
Ryel ril Ers   10 mill xp from the amnish guards? How many time d...   Aug 1 2008, 09:26 AM
saros   10 mill xp from the amnish guards? How many time d...   Aug 1 2008, 12:45 PM
Ryel ril Ers   Anomen is a must have npc for an evil party. After...   Aug 1 2008, 01:54 PM
saros   I also loot the enforcers but only if they are in ...   Aug 1 2008, 06:02 PM
Ryel ril Ers   "I know your post is written in a good intent...   Aug 1 2008, 07:37 PM
saros   EDIT: I read your posts in the Anvil forum. What w...   Aug 4 2008, 10:45 AM
Ryel ril Ers   You are only a simple cheater. Yes there are chanc...   Aug 4 2008, 08:56 PM
DavidW   You are only a simple cheater. Yes there are chanc...   Aug 5 2008, 04:54 AM
saros   Umm... last time I looked, this wasn't the Oly...   Aug 5 2008, 08:33 AM
The Bigg   Umm... last time I looked, this wasn't the Oly...   Aug 5 2008, 08:35 AM
Raven   Umm... last time I looked, this wasn't the Oly...   Aug 5 2008, 10:32 AM
The Bigg   Is there some reason why a mod can't be both a...   Aug 5 2008, 10:46 AM
Sikret   I accidentally noticed that Raven has posted in th...   Aug 6 2008, 06:18 AM
DavidW   Do you really think that saros is enjoying his gam...   Aug 6 2008, 06:40 AM
saros   If you read his posts you won't find even one ...   Aug 6 2008, 01:36 PM
Raven   It was proposed to me by Raven (a.k.a. touch_of_th...   Aug 6 2008, 02:09 PM
Sikret   [quote name='Sikret' post='34162' date='Aug 6 2008...   Aug 6 2008, 02:14 PM
saros   You are cheating according to the mod's rules....   Aug 6 2008, 07:22 PM
coaster   Reloaded, cast Improved Alacrity, in the time of c...   Aug 5 2008, 06:15 PM
saros   For example: if I tell DavidW that I ctrl-y'd ...   Aug 5 2008, 06:45 PM
Ryel ril Ers   I think much better if you clua some xp, and gold ...   Aug 6 2008, 03:00 PM
Sikret   I think much better if you clua some xp, and gold ...   Aug 6 2008, 03:37 PM
Ryel ril Ers   He played with the vanilla game. He is much older ...   Aug 6 2008, 05:52 PM
Baronius   It's all about whether someone wants to play w...   Aug 6 2008, 07:46 PM
DavidW   I'm kind of confused here... I had thought th...   Aug 7 2008, 07:04 AM
Ryel ril Ers   I think the problem is the following: I was punis...   Aug 7 2008, 11:57 AM
Sikret   @saros We seem to fail a fruitful conversation. I...   Aug 7 2008, 01:37 PM
Baronius   But now I'm a bit confused at the tone of some...   Aug 7 2008, 01:55 PM
saros   IA is the most thoroughly tested mod ever created ...   Aug 7 2008, 02:03 PM
saros   PC has most recently completed the Paladin Strongh...   Aug 9 2008, 10:47 AM
DavidW   @ Daulmakan: Thank you about the info. I thought t...   Aug 9 2008, 04:50 PM
saros   Well, I am unfamiliar with the Multiple Stronghold...   Aug 9 2008, 05:24 PM
lroumen   On Ray of Fragmentation. I don't know whether ...   Aug 13 2008, 10:38 AM
saros   Thanx. Can you please help me with my Spell Shield...   Aug 13 2008, 11:09 AM
saros   Hi saros, Ehm… saros, I really hope you are kid...   Aug 18 2008, 10:56 PM
lroumen   I followed your progression every once in a while ...   Aug 23 2008, 10:47 AM
saros   One question. Does "Insane" really matte...   Aug 23 2008, 12:11 PM

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